Chapter 2

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"Wtf jacky! U slut!" I was furious .She could of at least waited a week before she jumped my ex boyfriend I mean seriously what a slutty Asian!

"Umm Hannah u honestly need to calm the fuck down. U we're the one who dumped him remember so do go blaming all this shit in me. Thank you very much"

"How dare u. Owh wait this is typical jacky the Asian slut just braking all the rules trying to be a little 'rebel' well guess what. Your not your just a try hard American" I was almost crying but I had to keep the tears hidden I couldn't let anyone know I still loved Liam.

"Thanks." Jacky said with a smirk on her face making her already tiny eyes even tinier.

"Yea that's right jacky go back to your rich father and ask for more money, or are u just excepting money from guys for sex now, being independent aeh?"

She just carried on walking I can believe this.

" hey Hannah what's wrong? " kilara was good as guessing when I was sad.

Tears started rushing out of my eyes and I felt kilaras warm arms wrap around me.

" it's okay babe, just let it all out, you don't have to say anything" kilara was one of best friends. She always new what to say and how to make me smile.

" I didn't realize how hard it would be" the words stumbled out if my mouth along with more tears.

" it's okay, I'm here for u" kilara whispered in my ear.

We must of been there for half an hour because the bell rang and we had to go to class.

" are you going to alright? If u want we can skip first period and go back to my house and talk " my instant reaction was to say yes but if I was going to get through this day I would have to be strong and running away won't help.

" that's a lovely idea... But it's probably best to just go to class I don't want to miss out on anything I'm already behind in English" kilara hugged me

"Okay well talk at morning tea? Meet you in the common room?"

" that sounds great, thanks kilara, I really mean it I couldn't ask for a better friend"

I was gonna be late so I ran to English. When I walked in everyone was already there seated. They all look up at me and watched me walk to my seat. I forgot that I still sat next to Liam. Thank god he was away on a sports trip for the week I don't know what I would do if he was here.

Miss came over to me. When I looked up I knew that she knew I had been crying " can I speak to you outside please Hannah" I got up and walked to the door.

"Do you want to tell me what happened?" She had that tone in her voice that made me blurt out everything.

"Well Hannah everyone makes mistakes some are bigger than others but you need to remember to not let it effect your school work, but for now I think it's best that you go home for the day and come back tomorrow ready to learn" in a way I was glad she said that, I wasn't in the mood to be at school

"Thanks miss"

I walked to the car park and jumped in my car and drove to the beach. I loved it there, being alone feeling the cool breeze on my checks and the smell of the salt.

The tears ran down my checks.

It felt like I had only been there for a few minutes, but I guess not. It was lunch time and my stomach was growling I NEED food. I drove to Starbucks and ordered a big blueberry muffin and a big mocha. I sat down in a big comfy chair and took out my book to do some studying, might as well.

I looked up to see someone sitting down in the chair opposite me. "Sorry there's no where else to sit, do u mind if I sit here?" I looked around the cafe was empty. I smiled and said sure. When I looked up it was brenton.

"How did you know I would be here?" I didn't mean to be so direct but it just came out.

"I saw you leaving school and so I asked kilara and she said that you would be here around lunch time, I guess she knows you to well" he had a big goofy smile on his face and it made me smile.

"I'm glad you came" I was and I hate to admit it but all I need right now is someone to talk to.

" i thought you might say that" he whispered it to me like it was a secret.

I put my book back in my bag and we started chatting. I was glad that he didn't ask me about what happened and why I left school, I guess he already knew and didn't want to upset me or he could just not give a shit. I hope it's the first one.

Once we had both finished our coffees and muffin we decide to go for a walk.

We were walking along the beach when he placed his hang on my interlocking our fingers. I blushed and he started to giggle. After walking for about ten minutes we stopped and look out to the see. Brenton put his arm around my waits and curled me into him, gazing into each others eyes we kissed.


Okay so that's my second chapter is u have in questions or ideas please tell me I would really appreciate it c: thanks

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