Chapter 3

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My dad has gone away for the week for a work as always and I'm left home alone. Sometimes it's alright but I don't feel like being alone tonight.

As soon as I walked in the door I felt my eyes start to water so I drop my bag slam the door and run to my room. Even tho I'm alone I still find the need to be in my room.

I'm woken to a loud ringing noise and after a few seconds I realise that it's my phone. I must of cried myself to sleep. I crawl off my bed and into the lounge and grab the phone.

" hello Hannah speaking"

"Hey Hannah it's brenton, ummm well I know it's kinda stupid but do you umm wanna hang out tonight? Like if your not busy" he was so cute

"Ovecourse I do, do u wanna come round to mine? I'm home alone and need some company?"

"Sure, ill be over in ten" he hung up I didn't even get to reply but I guess he was in a rush.

I sit down on the couch and turn on the tv my favourite tv show was on, bones, to bad it was about to end.

Ten minute later I hear a knock at the door. I get up and open it to Brandon with the biggest smile I have ever seen on his face. He hands me a box of chocolates and whispers in my ear "you sounded sad and my sister is always saying how chocolate and ice cream makes you happy"

"Thanks you" I looked up at him and blushed. He placed his hand around my waist an pulled me close giving me a tender kiss.

"Come inside" I move away from the door way and start to walk towards the kitchen. "Are u hungry?" Personly I wasn't even tho all I had eaten that day was a muffin and a coffee. "No I'm fine" he said politely.

We walk to my bedroom and he jumps on my king bed. "My beds better" he said winking at me after.

"Sorry but my dads not made of money, I don't think..."

He stands up and puts his hands around my waist pulling my in tightly he kisses my gently. I let go and start walking towards the hallway, he grabs my hand and pulls me back

"And where do u think your going"

"To bed we have school tomorrow"

"Before u go I need to ask u something really important" he pulls me close and whispers in my ear "do you want to officially be my girlfriend"

"No" I say an walk away.

"Wait what!? Why not!?"

I turn back into the room and put my arms around him and kiss him. Then I whisper in his ear "ovecourse babe" he smiles and next thing I know we are on the bed making out. He goes to pull down my pants. I hit his and and say "not tonight babe okay?"

"Okay" he says with a sad face.

"We should probably go to bed so night babe" I jump under the blankets and he hope in to cuddling me tightly.

"Night sweetie"

I wake up to the smell of bacon and eggs. I look around me and brenton is gone so I jump out of bed and make my way to the kitchen. The radio is playing roar by Katy perry and when I walk into the kitchen I see Benton singing (well yelling) it.

"Are u hungry sweetie?" He says coming up so me and kissing me.

"It depends if you are good at cooking or not" I say smerking.

"Why don't u test that out, okay? So what do u want?"

"Waffles with fruit on top" it's my favourite and when I was little my mum would make it for me.

We sit down at the breakfast bar and I taste my waffles

"Mmmmh taste just like the ones my mum used to make me when I was a little kid"

"Haha so where is ur mum?"

"Umm well she died when I was 8, she had cancer" I could feel the tears rushing to my eyes, it happened every time I spoke about her, it was just such a hard time in my life. What hung your own mother die is the worse thing that can happen.

"Awh I'm so sorry honey I didn't know" he wraps his arms around me and notices that I'm about to cry.

"Anyway we need to get ready for school" I say willing my tears away and getting up off my stool.

I chuck on my blue velvet mini dress, some white converses and an overdose cardigan on.

"Come on Brenton we have to go!" I grab my bag and walk towards the door. Brenton follows me and I lock the door behind us.

"Ill drive u to school and drop u off after"

"Okay but we've gotta hurry"

We jump in his car and drive to school. When we arrive brenton opens my door for me and puts his arm around my waist. We enter school and when I walk past jacky and astrid (the two sluts) they push me and I fall down to the floor. First jacky punches me then astrid follows, brenton try's to pull them off but they start fighting back. Kilara comes and helps me up then pushes jacky to the floor and hits her over and over makin her nose bleed. Mrs smith comes over "break it up guys break it up! Or ill give u all a detention!" I stand up and Brenton holds my hand "are you okay babe?" He whispers in my ear I node. "All of u to my office now!"

We all sit down and listen to miss talking about how this school doesn't put up with bulling and fighting and shit like that. Kilara had to go home for the day after braking jackys nose and cracking a nuckles of her own. Kilara is a great friends standing up for me like that I owe her the world.


Yay so that's my third chapter I will try and write another one tomorrow but no promises if u like it please vote and if u have any questions or idea please tell me. Thanks c:

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2013 ⏰

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