I Told You So, Shay

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I Told You So, Shay

“We can’t hide from the press forever you know.” Tiger said.

Tiger and Alex were sitting in their bedroom.

“I know, but it’s been a month since we were on that island. When are they going to get a clue that the story is dead?”

“I don’t know, but at least Shay knows how to hide her wings without the headache.”

Alex still remembered how mad Shay was when she found out she was a pixie. Now she cherished her wings and limited magical abilities. Tiger on the other hand, still couldn’t believe she was a wizard.

“Well, Derek and Sean left for collage this morning, so we can have a girl’s night tonight and forget the press.” Alex suggested.

“Alex, why didn’t you go? To collage I mean. With Derek.” Tiger asked.

Alex sighed, “I’m not just going to leave you here! Besides, I can’t. You said you couldn’t go because of training, and I get that. I can’t go because of many new things in my life. What am I going to do about the full moon, huh? Sunglasses are not even allowed in class. I wouldn’t be able to go.”

“But Derek went. He’s as much a werewolf as you are.” Tiger said.

“Ya, but, the guy’s dorm is near the forest. Derek asked for a room on the first floor.”

Tiger rolled her eyes. “You just don’t want to leave home again, don’t you?”

Alex didn't answer and Shay entered the room.

“Hey guys, what’s up?” she said.

“Not much,” Tiger said, “do you hear that beeping noise?”

“Tiger it’s your wand! Eregon must be sending you another lesson.” Shay said.

Tiger pulled out her personalized wand. She loved her wand. It was made for her by her magic teacher, Eregon Mistraf, who was also a famous actor as well as a wizard.

Tiger waved her wand in a star formation and a picture materialized in front of her. It was a picture of Eregon, who was in a black limo.

“Tiger? Can you hear me?” he asked.

“Loud and clear sir. What’s the lesson today?”

“I couldn’t help but overhear your problem. Instead of our regular lesson, I am going to give you a spell that will help you get rid of some reporters. I use it many times a day. It is mind control.”

“Really?! I can do that?” Tiger asked excitedly.

“Indeed. All you need to do is make a 21 in mid-air while saying ‘Your mind is mine, your body’s dumb, all your thoughts will soon go numb’”

“Ok, thanks Eregon. See you next week?”

“Of course, and good luck!”

The image faded and Tiger put her wand in her pocket.

“What are we waiting for? Let’s get rid of some reporters!” Tiger said as she walked out the back door.

Shay’s wings vanished and Alex put on her sunglasses as they followed her. The three girls hid behind a bush as Tiger recited the spell.

“Your mind is mine, your body’s dumb, all your thoughts will soon go numb!”

The 5 reporters suddenly stood up straight and had a glassy look in their eyes.

“Ok, now turn around.” Tiger said hopefully.

The group of people did as she asked and Tiger smiled.

“Now go home and forget about the kids that survived the island.”

They started walking their separate ways and Alex, Tiger, and Shay got up off the ground.

“Cool. Thanks Tiger.” Shay said.

All of a sudden, a woman stepped out from behind them.

The girls turned around to face her.

“Who the hell are you?” Shay asked.

“I am Tania, queen of the pixies. Shay McJames, I am your mother.”

Shay screamed, then fainted.

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