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I got back to the building and looked at all my bruises and scars, from burns and needles and every other terrible thing that's happened to me over the last few months. Then I looked at my faded reflection on the dirty, broken glass. I thought about how my day was today. I was drug free the whole day just about, I was actually in new clothes and caught someones attention, a few people's attention. I never thought I'd have a big time fashion designer going crazy over me, or a model. Is that really what real life was like?

"Wow you look different, did you get with a rich guy?" April said walking up towards me and sitting down against the wall.

"No, well first I was forced to meet my dad for the first time, which didn't go well as usual."

"Why did you even go?"

"Carla. I thought I'd try for her since she tries so much for me. It was bad though, he lived in this beautiful neighborhood with all types of fancy cars and his trophy wife and not so innocent daughter."

"Ew they sound like a TV family, and let me guess, the girl had so much to say?"

"Of course, but after we exchanged words I just ran out. It took a few hours to get back to the city but I made it. Then the fashion guy came and just went crazy over me. I didn't know that's what real life was like. You get all sorts of attention-"

"That's life for you, the life of the rich and beautiful. Cause you are beautiful Ocean, you just don't see it. If you were clean and had a good childhood I think you would be a bitch right now." She said and we both laughed at it, I didn't know whether to take it as a compliment or not, but I didn't even really care.

"I had a great day on the other hand, got us all types of stuff." She said as she emptied out her backpack full of everything we loved. I looked down at it all spread out all over the floor and looked back at my arms. "Aren't you gonna take some? Help yourself." April said as she started to roll up a blunt.

"Yeah I'll hit that when you roll it." I said waiting for her, and in the silence we heard footsteps, running up the stairs. They grew louder and faster, usually when footsteps were that loud that means it wasn't good.

"Help me! Help me he's coming for me!" Some girl yelled as she ran up the stairs and in the area of where we were, and we could hear more footsteps up the stairs after she ran up.

"What the fuck is going on?!" April said as she yelled out and looked at the girl. I looked over at her and stood up, cause I knew we had to try and get out of here, no matter what was going on.

"April, we have to leave! Get up!"I yelled at her as she was putting all the stuff back in her back, but before she could finish a guy came up the stairs, with a bandana tied around his face, and you could see nothing but his jet black eyes. He ran over to the girl, grabbing her by the neck and pulling out his gun, while April and I tried to run out as fast as we could before he noticed us.

"Where do you two bitches think you're going? You better stay right where the hell you are!" The guy yelled out while throwing the girl down on the floor, and quickly shot her dead center in the head. Blood splattered left and right, all over the guys clothes. She was laying there motionless and I was in a state of shock, he didn't even give her time to explain or anything.

"Listen, we don't know you just let us go-" April said in a shakey voice, usually she was a tough coolie but it was something about guns that always left her shook.

"No! You two are gonna work for me!"

"No, fuck you! I work for myself who the hell are you to tell me?" April said and the guy came walking up to her, and they were face to face. I stood on the side of her, still in shock but was trying to calm the best way I could so we could get out of here in one peace.

"April, just listen to him so we can get the hell out of here!" I said looking at her and she continued to keep eyeing the man down, face to face.

"Yeah you will, you nothing more than a coke bitch anyways." He said laughing as he turnt around, and I seen April reach from behind her for a brick that was laying on the ground.

"April no! Are you crazy?! Stop!" I whispered and nothing I said was calming her down, it's like she completely backed out and she wasn't even high yet. I watched as she quietly walked behind him, and hit him right upside the head with the brick. He tumbled right down, falling ontop of the girl that was already laying there dead. I covered my ears and looked down at them on the ground, I couldn't tell if he was dead too but either way we had to leave before he got up, if he was gettig up anyways.

"Come on!" I yelled at April as I ran towards the stairs. She was standing there shaking a bit and dropped the brick, grabbing her backpack.

"I don't think his fucking ass is dead let me hit him one more time!"

"April it's not the time for that! Would you rather still risk yourself or escape while you can?" I said grabbing her arm and pulling her towards the stairs, then letting go of it cause the stairs were to narrow to be arm and arm. I started running down the stairs, already down a flight. "Hurry up!" I yelled out and exactly after shots were fired.

I got nervous and looked up the one flight of stairs I already ran down. I heard slow steps, so something told me not to worry, April was right behind me. I slowly climed back up, seeing that the noise I heard was the backpack rolling down the stairs. But I still heard noises coming down. I peeked up the flight of stairs, and felt my heart completely drop down to my feet, and my legs getting so weak I fell to my knees. The noise was April, but she wasn't running down the stairs, her blood covered body was falling down them, with a bullet hole to the chest, eyes still wide open. I covered my mouth because I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

The only friend I had, the only person I grew to knew was gone, and the sad part is I knew I had to leave her there. If I didn't I'd be gone too, and I didn't know what that guy would've done to me. I trembled my way down all the stairs, crying and vomitting to the bottom and struggling to run out the building the fastest I could. I didn't know where to go, or where I was going, but I couldn't stop running at the moment, until someone's arms grabbed me out of no where, I tried to wiggle myself out of them but they had such a tight grip.

"Ocean! Congratulations! You don't know how proud I am of you!" I heard the voice speak out and it was Carla.

"What?! What are you talking about can you let me go?" I said fighting out her arms and wiping my face and still blown away by what happened.

"Your magazine spread... you mean you don't know? Your face is all over Times Square right now! I assumed that's why you were crying?"

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