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sunday consisted of learning a grand number with all of the other dancers. brooke, a gorgeous girl with dark brown hair, offered to show me around town tonight after the show. i thanked her and said yes, i needed some friends around here.

to be short-the performance was spectacular. we had light up contraptions that looked like fireworks as our props. the costumes were red white and blue, and each girl looked beautiful in it.

after changing into a red tank top with a black leather jacket and dark blue jeggings, i meet brooke outside the hotel.

"hey girll!" she said.

"so what is my grand tour guide going to show me first?"

"why don't we start with the coffee shop down the street?"

"sounds good."

we walk in the opposite direction of my apartment, crossing the street at the corner.

we enter a small shop and head over to the counter.

"what's good here?" i ask.

"i always get the italian roast coffee." she says.

"i think i'll try that."

"next!" the lady at the register calls out.

taking a step up to the counter, brooke says, "two italian roast coffees please."


she hands the lady the amount in canadian currency.. good thing i stopped by the bank this morning before rehearsals to swap US dollars for Canadian.

we are handed our coffees and go sit at a booth in the back. i set my coffee down and place 1.85 in her hand.

she hands it back to me saying, "drinks on me, don't worry about it."

"thanks, i owe you one."

"you don't owe me a thing silly." she laughs, taking a sip of her coffee.

i do too. "wow.. this is amazing."

she nods. "so.. tell me about yourself."

"i was born and raised in new york city. i've been dancing since i was 5 years old and i also sing and dance-"

brooke cuts me off. "riley, i meant the stuff i COULDN'T find if i searched your name on google."

i laugh. "so what do you want to know?"

"your hobbies besides dancing, your love life... the such."

"well i like singing, acting, and shopping. and my love life is nonexistent." i shrug.

"hmm... what about that boy who screamed, "go riles!" yesterday during your performance?" she says.

my cheeks turn pink. "you heard that?"

"i was on the side of the stage, of course i did! now who was he?"

"well i met him on friday when i moved here. hes pretty nice, can sing for sure. oh and hes an actor." i shrug

"an actor??" she pulls out her phone. "whats his name? im going to search him up right now."

i laugh. "grant gustin."

he mouth forms a wide 'o' shape and her eyes grow wide. her phone falls on the table as she loses her grip on it. "grant gustin... THE grant gustin?" she screams.

"shh." i put a finger to my lips as everyone starts staring at us.

"yes. the grant gustin. whats so special about him?

"oh only the fact that hes chris stewart in a mother's nightmare and sebastian smythe in glee and-"

"i get it i get it! hes pretty famous."

"and pretty hot." she adds with a wink.

"shut up!" i playfully say.

"so you agree with me ehh?" she smirks.

"well... he's definitely not ugly." i say, taking another sip of my coffee.

"you two should totally date."

i choke on my coffee and have a coughing fit. "we just met brooke." i say, wiping my mouth with a napkin. although i admit, the idea hasn't crossed my mind before.

"i still ship it... griley forever!" she sings.

"what the hell is griley?" i ask, confused.

"its your ship name.. duh." brooke rolls her eyes.

"whatever you say."

"so when are you seeing him next?"

"he asked if i wanted to have lunch with him today but i couldn't because of practice. so he said we could spend the fourth of july together."

"ahh an american holiday isn't it?"

i laugh, "you're canadian?"

"born and raised."

i nod. my focus suddenly shifts from our conversation to grant. what were we going to do tomorrow anyway? i'll have to text him later.

seems like brooke is a fangirl...

too good to be true {grant gustin}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant