Chapter 1

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Again I was lying there in the middle of a clearing surrounded by beautiful purple lilies. In the blinding light and calming sounds of the waterfall and birds chirping.
And again I was watching as black clouds surrounded the sun leaving no rays of light hitting the earth and embracing everything in its dark arms and I just sat there doing nothing as it embraced me as well.
And the weird thing was I was welcoming it......

I woke up gasping as i struggled to breath recovering from the dream i had again. It has been like this for a week i would wake up from this dream gasping and breathing hard as if someone was choking me in my sleep and i didn't even know what this dream means and never bothered to know.
I looked at the alarm clock on my bed side table and noticed it was 6:00. To early for my liking but i knew i wouldn't go back to sleep after that dream so i just got up and went to my bathroom taking a cold shower as it was really hot. After i cleaned my self up i went to my walk in closet and picked ripped white skinny jeans and ab off shoulder maroon top qith nude heals. oh I totally forgot to introduce myself I'm Jennifer Montgomery I'm 19 with beautiful grey eyes, strawberry blonde hair that reached just below my breasts and were naturally curled from the tips and a perfectly fit body that is to die for and I'm a werewolf a beta's daughter at that.
I already found my mate when i was sixteen and the funny thing is that he is the alphas son and the future alpha of our pack the red moon pack.
He's very sweet and handsome with ocean blue eyes, light brown hair, a perfectly chiseled jaw with the perfectly sculpted body. he's been with me every step of the way though he's been a little distant lately but that maybe because of pack work.
I looked my self over in the mirror pleased with my look i headed downstairs to make myself break fast and then head out.
When i finished my break fast i took my bag and went towards the front door but as i neared i couldn't help but feel a uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach like something bad is going to happen but i put that feeling aside and went outside for a morning walk.

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