Chapter 5

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The next morning i woke from my not so good sleep seeing as I was waking up in the middle of the night with my face in the pillow and the pain in my lower abdomen.
I got up but as i did so i fell back on my bed because my legs gave out. I tried again and passed this time but still walking towards the bathroom with the support of my walls. I went inside the bathroom turning on the shower to hot and taking my clothes off but when i saw myself in the mirror i couldn't help but shed a few tears. My body was bruised from everywhere. Blue,purple and red marks covered my body like i was a canvas and some one painted on me.
Closing my eyes i turned around from myself and into the shower sighing as the hot water hit my sore body.
After i showered i changed into something comfortable and went downstairs for breakfast. When i entered the kitchen all eyes were on me."Honey are you okay? why are walking like that?" my mum asked with concern." nothing mum i just fell off the tree" i answered not able to tell them the truth yet." haha well hope you will be fine by tonight" my brother asked.

" why what's tonight"

" oh don't act stupid sis you know what tonight is"

" no i don't"

" well tonight cole is going to become alpha and introduce you to the pack as his luna"

Hearing those words my heart started beating so fast that i was sure my parents and brother heard it. " sweety you alright" my dad asked." yeah just not feeling well. excuse me" i hurriedly answered as i got up careful not to draw any attention to my sore body and went upstairs.
Later that night i was sitting in my dad's car as we drove to the alphas house. I didn't want to come but if i didn't my family would get suspicious but there is no point in hiding this seeing as they will know it soon enough.
We reached the alphas house just before the ceremony began and we took our seats. Soon the aplha started the ceremony.

"Hello fellow pack members. we are gathered here tonight to announce your new alpha, beta, third in command and ofcorse luna.
Cole step up please" the alpha said as cole got up and went to front on the stage.
" Do you Cole westron take this oath to protect your pack and be loyal and fulfill all your alpha duties with respect and honesty?"
" I cole westron take this oath to protect my pack and be loyal and fulfill all my aplha duties with respect and honesty"
cole took the oath as did daniel my brother the beta and samuel the third in command. Soon it was time for cole to announce who his luna was and he did.
" ladies and gentleman as you all know a alpha is nothing without his mate his other half by his side so today i would like to introduce you to your new luna.Stacy Patrick. come up here love" he announced while gesturing for bimbo to come up the stage and the all hell broke loose.
"um alpha we thought that Jennifer Montgomery was your mate" someone asked from the crowd as a few people glanced my way in confusion along with my parents.
" oh no she's not my mate yes we used to date but nothing serious.Maybe she just wanted a bit attention thats why she told everyone we're mates. stacy and i are mates" he said. Just then all heads turned to me. Everyone looking at me in disgust and my parents in disappointment and anger.
And just when i thought my life couldn't get any worse it did.

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