Nobody Can See That

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Mike's POV.

After the kiss, I left Micky alone in his room. He denied that I messed everything up, but I know that's exactly what I did. Why did I do that?

I heard Micky coming down the stairs, so I quickly walked out the front door.

Mike, you're such a coward. My thoughts made me scowl as I walked past palm trees and passersby. I increased my pace, Micky was sure to catch up once he figured out wich way I went.

I decided I wanted to sit around at the park. Normally, it was very quiet. Not many kids around here. When I got there, it was just as deserted as it usually is. I wandered around; I probably seemed homeless or somethin', but I didn't care.

"Mike! Mike!"

There he was, hollering my name and running up the sidewalk. I slunk behind the slide, hoping that he would just walk on by without seeing me. No such luck.

"Mike! Man, why'd you go?" Micky climbed up the side of the playground like the Monkee he is, and I tried to avoid eye contact with him.

"Because, Mick," I huffed. "I messed everything up. You lost your girlfriend cuz of me, for one thing. Don't get me started on...y'know." Micky crossed his arms, and sat down in front of me. I placed my wool hat over
my eyes. It was lifted away, and I looked up to see Micky's faces inches away from mine. I cleared my throat, trying to sit up a little. The distance between us was being closed.

"You didn't do anything close to that, Mike. I was startled, that's all." My eyes were still avoiding his, but it was getting harder to keep it up. "You made it all clear to me. At first, I didn't understand why I felt what I felt- heck, I didn't know what I felt." I sat there, hanging on to every word that left Micky's mouth.

"What now?"


I sighed. "I said, what now? As in, which direction do we take this in?" He shrugged.

"We could just be ourselves. Only, together." Micky said.

"Does that mean we are, y'know, together?" I asked, my voice hopeful.

"If you want." I couldn't believe my ears.

"I do- do you?"

Micky laughed, as if in disbelief. "Do I? Mike, you said you weren't an idiot!" I couldn't help but grin at Micky. "Nah, I'm just kidding. Of course I do." I opened my mouth to express my happiness, but Micky beat me to it and his lips crashed against mine. The first kiss, I had initiated, and now Micky was kissing me. And boy, could he kiss. Suddenly, a thought crossed my mind that made my blood run cold.

"M-micky!" I pushed him off of me. "Not here! Nobody can see that!" My breathing was rapid, I had failed to notice it before.

"I get it, sorry."

"Don't be." I put my hand on his shoulder.



"Was it good at least?" His comment made me erupt in laughter. His nose was so close to mine, and his breath swept over my face as he started laughing too.

"Hey, are you Mike and Micky from the Monkees?!" A girl looking to be around fifteen came up to us. "Wait...are you guys holding hands?" I blanched, and so did Micky.

"N-no!" I stammered. I looked at Micky frantically. "We...we were just, uh..."

"Arm wrestling!"

Micky grabbed my hand with his opposite one and we pretended to partake in a heated arm wrestling match. The fan rolled her eyes and walked away. I let out a huge breath of relief.

"That was close." Micky said.

"Yeah." I agreed.

"So...wanna come back to my place?"

"Sure," I smiled. "Besides, I think we need some alone time." Micky stood up, brushed himself off, and extended his hand to help me up.

"Alrighty, let's go."

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