Chapter 1)So what does that mean for me....exactly?

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16 years have passed since the day my dad sent me away. 16 years since ive been anywhere but in boarding schools "trying to fix my behavor". Do i give a shit....hell to the no...and im pretty sure ive gotten the point across to my dad...(the dad ive never seen once only talked to from the phone) yea lifes a bitch...i got over it long time ago.

Beep Beep Beep....I raised my hand covering my ears, what the hell is this thing waking me up, i groan picking it up and slaming it into the wall with a satisfying crack...i fist pumped the air 37th clock thats gone down to hell in the last 2 weeks. I pull out my phone sighing soon the guards would pick me up and drive me to my new school one dad had said "maybe this time you wont be kicked out of it withen the first day"...ive tried running away, it doesnt do a thing anymore, so i just say ok, and shove my earbuds in and rock out to music durring the whole school day...teachers gave up on me pretty much.

10 mins untill we reach the school, i was kinda excited accually from what ive heard. Apparently this school is badass, with the teachers and rules, ha i have a feeling this will be very interesting. I didnt have a thing to do so i closed my eyes and let sleep over take me.

"Kasey wake up!"...i slowly stir realizing the yelling wasnt in my dream...whoops...."waaaa"...was all i could manage to mumble out....nobody should wake me up when im sleeping. "Kasey your father will kill you if you dont wake up this instant, ive been yelling your name for 15minutes. We are here." said Hanes.  Sighing i raise my head...grumbling under my breath. When my eyes caught sight of the school, it left me shocked. It was like a prision, that hurt was i really that bad?..Leaving my stuff in the car i walked up the path to the front door...Eying the building i noticed even though it looked creepy, but in ways it was beautifu. You could say it  came out of a horror movie, it would be a awsome haunted house durring halloween....As i neared the school i could her the chatter of people which made me feel a little better. i loved horror movies but lets keep them fake shall we.

I walked into the adminatores office...staring at the lady typing away.

"ummmm...?" she looked up startled. i cleared my throught and began "umm im Kasey, um yea im new and all and yea" i wanted to scream i sounded like a complete freak, watev. She went back to typing for a few minutes then finally she looked up.

"last name?"i didnt speak "hun you got a last name or not?" i shook my head to clear myself

"uh yea Williams" i answered...where the hell did my spunk go...i sighed this could take hours..."Just give me the damn things i dont have all day ya know lady" i said poping my gum. She looked up slightly irritated.

"Listen darling ive heard about you, personally i hate all the crap they say about kids these days, because you all are really good. Each one of you kids has just had a tough life. Listen im going make it easy for you and explain some things, first dont give me crap and we'll get through this process a lot quicker. Now Ms. Williams your dad has you assigned to share a room. I gasped...

"uhh there must be some mistake.." i mumbled, she shook her head and contined on

"..but i changed it so you had a king suite all to yourself, its in the older end of the school, but its all furnished and stuff, personally its a gorgeous room. I know this school looks creepy, but your room is cozy and welcoming. Trust me on this, you got the best room in the entire school." she took a breath "heres your schedule, since this is a boarding school for ..." she stopped "certain people, there is a strict schedule. Class time ranges by the behavior of each individual student, so if your good in a class durring one day, you may be able to get out of that class sooner, if your bad you will stay later. You get the point. Heres your room key #534, top floor. This building is split in half by metal bars that seperate boys and girls. The only way to get to the other side is through the boys front door. Which is prohibited. The bars are located in the main hallways to your classes where you may communicate with whoever you please untill your next class begins. You get 5 days a semester to go out into the city with a guard. Enjoy." my head was spinning as i walked away "oh also Kaylee?" i turned around

"its Kasey" i corrected her, she smiled

"sorry your stuff is already in your room, it was sent up, also if you want talk or need help just ask me, its easier. My name is Rosie, Rosie Philphs" i nodded turning around and walking up the grand staircase and up the flights of stairs to the top floor...exactly 4flights grr...the stairway to the sleeping areas were stone. I was beautful i thought smiling. I decided i would exp.ore everything later, it felt like a huge mystery, adventure, and maze. I felt like a little kid again. I reached my door, it was the only one, at the top of the spiral staircase. Weird that all the other floors had a door leading to a long hallway filled with other doors like a hotel practically, but not mine. Shoving the key in i opened the door, it was beautiful, just like she said. It was huge, there was 5 connecting rooms, and to make it better allthough the rules said no electronics on campus, my room was packed with entertainment stuff. Not one area besides the front desk had a electric outlet from what id seen. I squeled best place ever!!!! Walking over to the fridge.. yes i said fridge i noticed two notes,

the first read

Dear Katarina,

This is a test, this school is worse than a navy seal drill sergent, and i know ive sent you to a amy drill segent school last year and the guy ended up quiting his job because of you, so try and be good for your Father this time. Ive had enough legal documents dealing with your shit.


Your Father

i wrinked my noise up in disgust really dad?...

Dear Kasey,

As youve probally seen your room has been decorated by me, ive heard your stories, impressive, youve been through a lot, the rooms sound proof, but keep it low just in case the head master comes up. This is a insentive, because if you skip clase the head master will come and see all the electronics and then its lockdown for you. For good or bad, enjoy. 


I sighed this was going to be a long make that years

Next chapter will be much longer sorry probally posted by Wendsay night at lastest..

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