The Closer (A/N)

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I'm gonna put my body first, and love me so hard 'til it hurts.

© 2016 Beatrice Manuel The CloserAll Rights Reserved(including my right to be nasty)

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© 2016 Beatrice Manuel The Closer
All Rights Reserved
(including my right to be nasty)

Author Note

Hi there! I'm Beatrice (you can call me Bea). This is my first time writing a smutty book such as this one so I'm excited to see how this will go! I'd firstly like to thank you, little unicorn, for giving The Closer a chance and I hope you enjoy what's to come.

There are some things I'd like to bring up before you start reading this book.

Firstly, it is intended for mature audiences. I'm going to make it crystal clear to you all before you start the story because I want to make sure that, as a reader, you're in your comfort zone and know exactly what you're getting into with this novel.

Sex is everywhere. (Okay not everywhere) but the theme is prevalent through out the novel. The characters discuss it, make jokes about it, do it. A lot. So here's your warning: if reading about sex makes you uncomfortable, this book is not for you. The sex is crucial to the plot so the story cannot do without it. I completely respect if you want to hold onto the sanctity of your thoughts a while longer which is why I'm issuing you this red flag right here and now. If you're already feeling a little queasy upon reading this paragraph, please move on. There are SO many PG-rated love stories on this site. I recommend those as a start.

Cursing galore! My characters, namely my protagonist, are very fond of using harsh language. There might be the occasional F-word thrown in here and there (and I'm not talking about food although I wish I was), and a smattering of other equally delightful verbal treats for the readers. If that makes you uncomfortable too, then please refrain from reading. I honestly don't want this book to be your educator in how to badmouth gorgeous men you want to bed...because that's exactly what Tris does a lot of.

Racist/homophobic/sexist/otherwise unacceptable comments will not be entertained. Diversity is something I try to bring into every one of my stories. If you have a problem with interracial couples, same-sex relationships, or people of color (which you really shouldn't) and you voice that out loud in the comments section in any derogatory way, I will mute you. Any slut-shaming remarks will not be tolerated either. I respect if any of you have more conservative views about sex but I also expect you to respect the same of those who do embrace their sexuality/enjoy sex more openly.

The choices I've made for this story are my own. If you have any constructive criticism to offer on the writing, then please do! But if you're going to condemn the very characters, plot line or events of the story that in no way help me to become a better writer, I will not tolerate it.

This story is mine. Any one who attempts to steal, copy, or otherwise call my writing their own shall be stabbed with a squirrel... Okay, I won't stab anyone but seriously, don't do it. I'm more protective about my writing than I am about food (and that's saying something) *meaningful glare*

On that note, I wish you all a wonderful read!

The Closer shall be updated on a weekly basis. I do not own the picture used in the cover but I do own almost about everything else.

The songs aren't necessarily specific to each chapter but fit The Closer over all. You can hear 'em by clicking the video on the top. Go ahead and check out the first song up there!

Any questions regarding the soundtrack, characters, or story - feel free to message me. Please play nice in the comments.

Be the glorious bundles of joy I know you all are.

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