In The Office

154 7 1

Viola's POV

*Sighs*,'Another day in this boring cubicle and i'll pass out,''I moaned''. 'When is any excitement ever gonna come tuh this damn place...i think im gonna quit tomorrow.'

'Everysingle time I pass here u say those exact words like uh video recorder on replay, And yet still you come back,sit in that chair and complain over and over again. "The tall curly haired man said".

'Danny, You need to mind your godamn motha fuckin business bitch and stop evesdropping on my coversations with myself, I said in my best Kevin Hart impression.

'Hahahahahahaha.."Danny laughed". 'Still trying to learn how to be funny should give up already.

'Oh really now'....Without any warning I took the dohnut from my untouched breakfast tray and threw it at him.
I watched as the sprinkles covered his nose and right eye, the syrip pasted his neck and scraped the knot on his tie falling to the ground.

'Ha'. "I wonder whose laughing now ,'I said smirking.'

'Hmmmm..well played Viola, well played in deed but just know that there will be a round two,'He said wiping the chocolate off his tie with tissue.'

'If you say so...but I always win so I dont mind if theres a round twenty-one,"I said smirking."
'Anyways......are you not suppose to be on the other floor delivering documents for the big guy...What are you doing here?"

'I just thought I'd pass through since im on my lunch break, and most of my work is finished so i still have more time before the boss comes out of his meeting," He replied."

'Oh..I see, I said looking down at my watch. 'I have one minute till my lunch break but im finished with most of the paper work so I guess I can leave early to go grab uh bite.'

'Good idea......theres this amazing Chinese Restaurant not far from here,mayb we can go there and eat."Danny said smiling."

' not really up for Chinese but i'll still go,"I answered."

'Thats muh gi....he stopped without finishing the sentence.'I mean my best friend.'

When I was finished putting away my things ,we went outside to my car and i punched him on one of his Biceps.

'Owwwwww...."Danny screeched in pain." Whachu do that for, he wimpered.

'That is for nearly calling me your girl even though you know your gay, "I replied."

*Sighs*, U didnt have to say it like that....he said still wimpering.

I knew Danny was gay so I didnt really care if he called me his girlfriend...Its how he said it so close to the cubicles of the other workers. And knowing them,they would spread any scoop,whether it was true or false.
While he was standing near the passenger door rubbing his arm and day dreaming,I had already gotten in the car and started the engine.

'Are you gonna jus stand there crying like uh five year old or do you want some chinese," I said leaning forward to look at him."

'Im coming, "he said jumping in the car and buckling his seat belt."

I reversed out of the parking lot and sped down the road in the directions Danny gave me.In no time we were parked infront of a lovely rainbow coloured buliding that read ''Noodles Galore.''

'Still driving fast....your soon gonna hit into a pole or something,"Danny said in his big-brother-like-tone."

'Did we hit into one just now? "I said smirking."

'No Ms. Smart ass..."Danny mumbled.
'Ok let's go inside and grab something to eat, "I replied."

We went inside and it was so amazing. There was red carpet in the whoollee restaurant and a big fish tank covering the walls filled with dozens of gorgeous coloured fish.The tables and chairs were dark chocolate coloured and had chinese floral patterns.

'Woww,this is break taking',"I exclaimed."

'Danny chuckled',"Im glad you like it." 'Now lets order some grub.'

I laughed as he pulled out my chair for me to sit.

'Im surprised your being such a gentleman but thank you ,"I said sarcastically."

'Your welcome,"he said chuckling."

We called one of the nearby waiters and placed our orders. By the time we had gotten our lunch, it was time for us to head back so we jus packed it up and left.

When we got out of the car I looked down at my watch and saw that I was 5 minutes late. I hurridly hugged Danny saying thank you and that I would see him later. I rushed passed the secretary and hopped into one of the nearest elevators.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2016 ⏰

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