Beacon welcomes you

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„Oh! I am so sorry!"

Someone woke you up from slumber with their apology, as you was quietly sleeping through your flight to the Beacon academy. The place you always wanted to visit, to be part of. And after really long time (in your eyes at least) you got the chance. Now, with eyes still partially closed, you looked at source of the disturbance of your peaceful sleep.

You saw blonde guy, who just vomited on another guys shoes. The other guy looked like he would seriously beat the „vomit boy", obviously suffering from motion sickness, but to your surprise he patted his shoulder.

„Hah! Don't worry about that buddy! I have made bigger mess and not just on my boots so far, so that is not really a problem. Just next time make sure to take some pills or something, ok?" He said, laughing. He was tall, blond, with broad shoulders, in leather jacket, black t-shirt with some emblem, short black pants and high black leather boots. You cannot but notice his fingerless gloves,accompanied with sharp looking spikes on knuckles. „Sigi! Where are you! Come here, you should be prepared!" another voice made contact with your ears as some blonde haired girl in leather (like biker) clothes entered the scene before your eyes. Then the two leaved the place.

You shaked your head, trying to properly wake up and saw your new home (as you hoped) showing through the window. The Beacon academy.

The „vomit boy" reached your side by the window and gasped. „Wow! This place is really cool!" you looked at him with your [e/c] eyes and smiled. „Yes, it's beautiful..." He looked at you with smile and moved his hand toward you. „I'm Jaune by the way.". „[f/n]." you answered, shaking his hand. Right when your ship landed.

„I'm sorry, I have to go, hope we can meet sometime again." Jaune apologized himself and exited the ship. You did the same, but with a little reluctance.

‚It's ok... No need to be nervous [f/n]. So put yourself together and make a good impression.' you thought and exhaled. You then swung your bag on one shoulder. On your back were alredy striped your two weapons of choice. Two [f/c] tonfas with the longer part as blades and shorter with a build in hand-cannon. They still didn't have names, but you called them your sweethaerts until you find suiting names for them.

You had to shield your eyes when you exited the ship as there was too much light. The sunlight surrounded your body and you enjoyed it. You had black hooded sweat jacket, [f/c] shirt under it and black pants. In front of you was your goal. One of the best... no, the best school for hunters, the Beacon academy. The large complex of buildings took your words and you just stood there in awe.

That didn't last long as you were startled by loud explosion. You looked ahead and saw girl in red standing in front of white girl covered in ash. They were obviously arguing but you couldn't hear what they were saying, well the white (now cleaned) yelling at the other one. You sighted and started to walk to them.

Some distance from them you reached girl in black skirt with black bow. You saw bottle of red dust rolling to her feets. When she saw it too you bowed and handed it to her. She looked at you with surprised look. „Probably belongs to Snow White over there." You pointed to the arguing girls over your shoulder. „You look like you want say something to her, don't you?" at that she slightly narrowed her eyes and you raised hands in defense. „I am just good at reading peoples expressions." You chuckled. She gave almost invisible smile and walked away.

You smiled and waited for the show. And wasn't dissapointed. But then the red was left alone and obviously depresed. Your smile faded and you walked over to her. The same time you reached her and helped her up, someone alse came to you. „Hello again [f/n]! Oh I see you find some lovely girl!" Jaune called from behind you. You turned to him a smiled. „Hi Jaune. Yeah, but be careful, this girl is really explosive!" you laughed and she turned more red then her cape „My name is [f/n] [l/n] by the way." you added and extended your hand to her.

Rise of the Hunter (RWBY x Male!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now