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( OH, BABY )

        Sam, Elena and Dean leave the Morrison's office and walk down the hallway. "Good God, where'd you find this guy?" Dean asks.

       "He's supposed to be a top expert in his field." Sam says.

       "Yeah, well, when his field includes things that go bump in the night, he's gonna be worth the breath we just wasted." Dean says.

       "So, what are we supposed to do, Dean? Spin our wheels?" Elena asks angrily.

       "Elena, this is us spinning our wheels, okay?!" Dean yells.

        Sam stops walking and turns to face Dean. "Dean, you know what? I want to call him, too, okay? Believe me. But Bobby's not here. So we're settling." He says.

       "Yeah. We sure are." Dean looks at his phone. "Damn it, why hasn't she called?"

       "Who? Lydia?" Sam asks.

        "Wait, so some girl's actually dumping you the morning after?" Elena asks. "You're unbelievable." She leaves to walk to the Impala.

       "You told Elena?" Sam asks with a hint of a smirk. "My guess is that she didn't take it so well."

       "I think you're enjoying this a little more than you need to. Screw it. I'm going over there and getting the flask." Dean walks off.

[ ☼ ]

       Dean rings the doorbell. Lydia opens the door. "Don." She says.

       "Dean. I guess you didn't get my messages."

       "No, I did. I've been busy." Lydia says.

       "Oh. Anyway, I, uh, left that flask over here the other night." Dean says.

       "Yes. I found it. It was so beat up and old, I almost tossed it." She says.

       "Yeah, well, guy it belonged to was beat up and old, too. But I was very close with him, and I'd, uh, I'd hate to lose it." Says Dean.

       "I'll get it for you." Lydia says.

       Dean follows her into the house. "So, how you been? Other than "busy." He asks as Lydia opens a drawer in the main room and takes out the flask.

       A child perhaps a year old is standing up in a crib in the bedroom. "Just that. Really busy. Here you go." Lydia gives the flask to Dean.

        "Oh, wow. I can see why you're busy. You've been babysitting, huh?" Dean says.

       "No." Lydia says.

       "Yours?" Dean asks.


       Dean walks into the bedroom "You didn't tell me you had a little girl." He says.

      "There's probably all kinds of things we didn't tell each other."

       "What's her name?" Dean asks.

        "Emma." Lydia says.

        "Hi, Emma. Your first?"

       "Yes." She says.

       "Well, I hear they grow like weeds." Dean says.

       "You have no idea." Lydia says.

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