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I was tagged by _blaaaahh_ to do this one

So I have to post the last three pictures on my camera roll

I was taking pictures for some inspiration for a new song/ and mixtape I'm making.

I was taking pictures for some inspiration for a new song/ and mixtape I'm making

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A black hole with the light and time distorted around it (I know I'm wierd)

A black hole with the light and time distorted around it (I know I'm wierd)

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An awesome quote by eyedea "even shadows have shadows"

Another quote by eyedea from his song "by the throat" its one of my favorite songs/ quotes of all time

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Another quote by eyedea from his song "by the throat" its one of my favorite songs/ quotes of all time.

Another quote by eyedea from his song "by the throat" its one of my favorite songs/ quotes of all time

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