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Skidding to a halt outside the large neglected base, Sonic stood, panting heavily after the fast paced run he had just had from his house to the other side of the city. Standing upright Sonic noticed two figures, one seemed to be looking at him in joy, the other seemed to be grimacing, however before the figure could open his mouth, Sonic interrupted him. "Yes Knux, I'll buy you another steak, I promise." The blue hedgehog exclaimed wearily.

Knuckles looked the blue hedgehog in the eye, and nodded. His expression immediately changing to one of recognised surprise, clearly glad the blue hero wanted to amend his actions. Well- not his actions per say.

"So, uhh... Shadow's not here yet then I'm guessing?" Sonic said awkwardly biting his lip.

"No, not yet," Tails said. "We were hoping he'd be with you, we've been stood here for a while now" The Kitsune exclaimed, once again grinning at a small gadget he held in his hand. "I'm hoping to do some tests on Shadow soon actually. I'd like to know why you seem to become so obsessed with him- see if there's anything we can replicate when Shadow's not around."

Tails' passing comment was meant more as an after thought, however it didn't fail to make Sonic shiver. Usually being in his werehog form meant his feelings and emotions were extremely heightened compared to normal. Fully aware of his little crush on Shadow his stomach turned. He wasn't quite sure he was ready to announce the fact he was attracted to Shadow.

"What is that?" Sonic asked out of curiosity, wanting to change the subject.

"Oh, I've been working on a remote, to over-ride the door. Hacking into the system each time does get a little tedious..." Tails' voice trailed off, and stared at the small box in his hand, still fiddling with the screws.

"Oh, i see." The blue hedgehog replied quietly.

Glancing around, Sonic tapped his foot nervously. Shadow still hadn't arrived, and the sun was quickly going down. Knuckles also joined in, his foot tapping quickly on the ground. Not as fast as the blue blur, but just as impatiently.

Inspecting the sky carefully, the blue hedgehog twitched slightly. The sun was currently drifting slowly down a soft pink sky, vanishing between thick pine trees. Sonic panicked noticing that there was still no sign of the black hedgehog, causing Sonic to consider that maybe Shadow had bailed. It wouldn't be a surprise considering Sonic literally vomited on him earlier.

Taking one long gaze at the sky, Sonic murmured under his breath:

'Where is that faker..."


The 'faker' was currently still collapsed on the floor in his bathroom still fast asleep. One hand was resting on his lower abdomen, whilst the other had slipped onto the floor. The apartment was quiet. Well until a noise erupted from the smart-phone placed on the coffee table in the living room.




The loud obnoxious ringing jolted the sleeping hedgehog awake. Snapping his eye lids open, Shadow looked around the bathroom for a split second, his brain trying to figure out where the noise was protruding from.

Lifting his heavy body up from the floor, Shadow clasped the door handle, opened it, and stumbled out ungracefully. His hand clasped the phone on the table, he bought the device swiftly to his ear.

"Hello?" Shadow's voice was throaty and deeper than usual, due to him just waking up.

"Shadow! Where are you? The sun is setting soon!" The voice of Tails rang out through the speaker, causing Shadow to pause. Looking out the window, Shadow's eyes quickly widened as he realized, the sun was  indeed setting soon.

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