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Shadow's eyes shot open in shock at the mention of his name. Did the wolf have any mental connections to Sonic, or did it have a completely different mindset altogether? The dark hedgehog couldn't quite fit the pieces together as his sweaty body slumped against the table, forced into orgasm regrettably. His orgasm hit him with a sudden wave, almost akin to a pleasurable smack in the face as Shadow tried his damnest to concentrate on the werehog behind him, his name being far more important than the sudden sensation of orgasm as his body jutted violently. -Chaos, who would've known that something so... carnal, could feel so fucking good! Choked sobs filled the room, as Shadow tried  to shake his orgasm off and focus on the werehog behind him, however, failed pathetically as his stomach shook violently, his own dick spasming, waves of white cum shooting and landing on his own abdomen and chest, creating a thick pool of white liquid upon Shadow's body. The creamy cum stuck to the hedgehog's midnight fur, his stomach becoming a white mess as the giant werehog above humped Shadow to his hearts content, apparently reaching his peak also as the large cock swelled violently inside Shadow, causing the small hedgehog to scream loudly in shock. The werehog's cock was already big enough as it was- what on earth was happening now?! Gasping loudly, Shadow felt himself suddenly stretched beyond belief.

It became apparent that the werehog was also about to reach his peak, his cock creating a large knot at the base, akin to a regular canine as he reached orgasm. A large knot had formed at the base of the cock, causing the poor black hedgehog to suddenly become overstimulated, almost becoming painful after literally just orgasming. Glancing down, Shadow blinked away tears that had formed in his eyes, focusing on the large bulge that was stuck inside of him, finding it rather uncomfortable now that he had fallen out of his lust filled haze, and had slowly returned back to reality. Lifting his head up slightly, to stare at what the blue werehog had managed to do, Shadow carefully lifted a shaky leg, his entire body apparently weak and vulnerable, as he attempted to nudge the other with his skate. There had been no noise from the beast after he had said Shadow's name. Only a huff and a pant, however apart from that, it was deadly silent.

Too silent.

Exhaling loudly, Shadow swallowed the lump in his throat, his foot clawing at the other being. He wasn't- no, he couldn't be.

Could he?

Kicking the beast harshly this time, after realising the other still hadn't pulled out yet, Shadow's stomach churned as he noticed what had happened to the hairy werehog, when a loud snore echoed throughout the room.

It turned out, that the werehog  had managed to fall asleep. Still stuck inside of Shadow. Turns out, the beast had slowly become tired of their romp together, and was taking a well deserved rest.

On top of his hedgehog lover.

With his dick still buried in said Mobian.

Black ears twitched softly, as the hedgehog tried to associate what had happened, his mind slowly clearing, allowing him to think once again, Shadow found his own body becoming rather heavy, the earth shattering orgasm apparently taking it's toll on the ultimate life form. Wriggling to the best of his ability underneath the heavy werehog, Shadow's body began to ache. Shadow was spent, his orgasm practically absorbing his energy, leaving him completely defenseless underneath the werehog. Shivering slightly as a small handful of semen trickled down his ass, ruby orbs finally gave in, black eyelids sheltering the glittering iris's as the dark hedgehog slowly slipped off into the land of the unconscious...


When Shadow awoke finally, he found his body seemed to be pinned down, due to a rather heavy force that had fallen atop of him. His eyelids shifted slowly, wielding himself from the unnaturally bright lights of the bunker. His body ached heavily, due to the uncomfortable pose he had been forced to endure all night, which also wasn't helped by the metal table he was still lying upon. Stretching out slightly, his mind clearly not coming to terms with whatever the hell was currently lead atop of him, Shadow grumbled loudly, finally managing to open his eyes.

However, almost immediately wished he had kept them shut at soon as he did.

A large spiky blue head was rested next his dark chest, making it clear that the werehog had apparently transformed recently, leaving a sleepy Sonic collapsed, half on, half off the table. His legs were dangling off the sides of the table- much like Shadow's. His hand meanwhile, had found a rather warm pillow to clasp hold of- or rather, Shadow's soft snow white fur, that was entwined in peach fingers, Sonic's gloves long gone.

Cringing slightly, as he attempted to sit up, only to fail miserably, Shadow groaned loudly, last nights events hitting him in the face. Hard.

He should've known he would regret such idiotic behaviour from himself sooner or later- but yet he hadn't stopped himself. Despite the fact he would have to make up some dumb excuse as to why he would be walking funny once again, he would once again be carrying the burden that he had allowed the werehog to fuck him. Again.

Dark ears reared back in defeat as he stared up at the ceiling, cracks beginning to show in the shoddy paintwork that was covering the roof of the room, a last minute effort to at least make this place seem human. As much as the midnight agent currently wished to move and push the other hedgehog off him, he just couldn't do it. Sonic looked far too comfy curled up next to his chest for Shadow to complain. The blue mobian had managed to tuck his head into Shadow's collarbone, a warm breath ghosting over his neck every few seconds or so. How Sonic managed to have this effect on Shadow almost every time, disturbed the black hedgehog. He knew why... but... WHY??  Why him, out of all people to harbour feelings for- he had chosen the blue hedgehog. Why did it have to be him!?

Chaos, there was more of a chance of Eggman getting down on one knee and proposing to Sonic, than Shadow growing feelings for said hedgehog...

Or so it had seemed.

There was a sudden shift in weight as Sonic attempted to snuggle further into Shadow's fur, that suddenly caused the dark hedgehog to jerk, feeling something tug at his lower abdomen, that felt far too familiar, causing him to look down.

Sonic wasn't... --No, he couldn't be. Could he? Apparently he could.

Swallowing thickly, Shadow focused his mind, trying to ignore what was still  forcibly wedged in his now sore hole, not really wanting Sonic to wake up to this. Panicking quietly, Shadow attempted to calm his heart rate, knowing that Sonic could easily wake up any minute now, which was definitely not what Shadow wanted. Last night had been another night he wanted to forget- a dirty secret that only he knew or had access to. Wincing slightly as he shifted in position, Sonic's flaccid penis clearly had no intention of moving, and was gripping tightly to Shadow's tight walls, causing a rather tense moment for the dark hedgehog currently, feeling uncomfortable and awkward.

What was he supposed to do?! Allow the hedgehog to wake up to his own accord inside him? Like Shadow was ever going to allow that  to happen. Pulling his legs up underneath Sonic, the dark hedgehog struggled, attempting to kick Sonic off him.


Only for the blue hedgehog to suddenly to start moving, gentle groans leaving his throat almost immediately as soon as Shadow started shifting. Well shit. There really wasn't much more he could do, as he instantly jammed his eyes shut -awaiting for the hedgehog to finally wake up and hopefully wouldn't connect the pieces together.


That sounded likely. Especially when Sonic would look down and realise his dick was stuck inside Shadow.



class has really caught up to me recently, and practically hit me in the face with the work. I haven't had much time to myself.

Thank you for sticking with this fanfiction and still reading it after a LITERAL month of inactivity--  I really appreciate that.

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