*****{Chapter 9}*****

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*A few months later*

I was swiped from my feet,being held at a swords point. Shadow grinned lightly and whipped his sweat off with a piece of cloth,his short that hung from his hand.

"You got to be quicker,you use to take me down like all the time.." I grumbled as he helped me up,feeling the warmth on his hands.

"I never liked big swords anyways..." He laughed at that.

"A good fighter can take an enemy unexpected and can swing any sword or-" I put my foot to his knees knocking him down and putting my foot on his back taking his sword in the process.

"A good fighter takes any chances they get"

"Funny..." I helped him up again and he had his eyes a bright green. I heard the door close and I looked over,no one there. I looked at Shadow and he put his finger over his mouth singling me. I closed my eyes to focus and felt someone behind me. I swiped my foot again under the person and Jade appeard.

"Finally you got it!!geez took you long enough!!" I goggled a bit helping her up and her hair was a fiery orange.

"And stop with the low attacks,why can't yup attack higher,I'm not that short"

I shrugged "hey it's more affective"

"Well anyways Gran said that she needs the both of you immediately...says it's something urgent,couldn't take the baby and now I have to watch him...ugh..."

I looked at Shadow and he dated back at me. "By the way dad..put on a shirt,it's gross..."

"I don't think his pack is gross.." I've seen a lot of gross stuff like the bucket back at the cells. Gross.

"Eww love..any aye hurry up,Grand waiting.."

I giggled blushing hard and walked after Jade grabbing Shadows hand. He actually put on his shirt as the cool air inside hit my face. We walked over to where gran was standing,the old lady, and she led us to our room. It wasn't broken anymore,we fixed it up like before. The walls painted a nice baige color,Jade and I repainted some of the paintings or made new ones to fill the blank spaces. It looked nice,it really did. Floors polished and fixed,Windows remodeled,it was great. Gran closed the door behind her locking it.

"Close the blinds..." She said softly. We looked at her confusingly but did as we were told. We closed everything,making her turn on the lights in the room.

She sat on the bed and patted her hand next to her on the bed. I sat down while Shadow stood in front of us.

"Gran what is it...you seemed worried" he started. She looked at him then back at me.

"Amber..dear have you've come any closer in your ability to sense things,you know with your electricity..."

Wait what? Electricity?

"Oh uh...I only have been trained into combat gran not electrici-"

She sighed and rubbed her head,putting her hands to her mouth nodding her head. I looked at her worryingly.

"Gran what is wrong...is something troubling you...."

She looked at Shadow,his voice filled with passion as his eyes turned to a baby blue.

"They're tracking us and I know it...they know we closed the blinds,they know we are having this conversation,they know everything,I don't know how though..."

She started hyperventilating,breathing quickly,like she was gonna have a heart attack. "Gran..Gran!" We laid her down on the bed as Shadow started giving CPR.

"She's having an attack, do something!!" He yelled. Ok..ok think think think...what would Gran do...oh...I stared at him frantically and looked around..cmon head don't fail me know. She started to roll her eyes to the top of her head,she was dying.

"Don't you dare die Gran or I swear to the heavens!" He kept giving her CPR.

You know your Electricity?

Electricity...that's it. I started focusing my mind on the lights in the room, the toaster,the television,the phones we never use anymore. Something with electricity. I opened my eyes and could see like X-Ray vision. It was cool until I saw Shadow. Gross. I screamed and he looked at me confusingly.

"What, why did you scream!" I then looked at Gran. She had a liquid dissolving in her stomach. Poison.

"G-Gran had something in her stomach,it's poison!" He looked back at Gran who pointed down next to her right hip but a little bit above. Shadow then put his hand over the spot and ran his hand up to her throat and out. She started to cough out as a liquid dissolved into the floor like acid,leaving a hole there. It was super tiny though. I went up to her and she grabbed my hand,shaking.

"They're here...don't touch the food,don't touch the-" she coughed again and I put my hand over her lips to keep her quiet. I heard footsteps,heavy footsteps,like big boots hitting the floor,then a muffled scream.

"The kids..." My eyes went wide open as the door opened slowly and Jade was tied up to a chair, her eyes only showing with a gag on her mouth.

"Jade!" I ran out being knocked over the head by something strong,blackness swarmed me as I heard gunshots and screams. I attempted to get up but was only put down again,pain struck through my home entire body,I was useless.

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