*****{Chapter 16}*****

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His gaze met my eyes as he went to hug me. I pushed him back and he looked saddened and hurt.

"How dare you..you lick my child up on a tower and made her see death..how dare you hug me?"

"Amber..he's your.." I turned to Shadow and cut him off.

"I don't care how high royalty he is..he put my child up on a tower..." I then turned back to the man slapping him across the face using my nails. He fell back on the floor and got up Angry with the eh help of the guards.

"And yet your still a brat.." He wiped the scar I had left and the guards pulled out their swords. "No need..no need..boys I got her.." He smiled weakly at me and I turned my head around.

"Ok so looks like you don't remember much..alright I get you..but at least let me talk to you before this gets messy.." I gripped the bow on my back a bit tighter. He looked down at my hand frowning.

"How about we don't have a crowd staring at you yes.." He got back up on the chariot and whispered something to Fire. He nodded and whistled with his fingers. A person came out from behind the chariots, a girl. She had Scarlet red hair, barely touching her hips, her eyes were a bright blue,like the sky. She blinked looking at me, her smile grew as tears rose from her cheeks. The man whispered something to her. Geez so much whispering. She nodded whips get the tears and getting rid of the smile.  She came up to me and patted down her white silk dress laced with a gold.

"I'll be escorting you Miss Crystal and Shadow..and who is this gorgeous.." She looked at Jade and she disappeared, invisible. 

"That's Jade..not very found of strangers.." I said with a sneer. The girl went to her heels and took a deep breathe.

"Yes of coarse..Strangers..it's good to see you Shadow..."

"As to you Scarlet..changed to a royal assistant I see.." She grew best red.

"No I'm just taking a rest from battle for a while..just hop and we'll catch up at the palace." She then turned and started to transform. I thought about the day I was forced out of a mortal life. I backed up a bit in fright almost tripping over myself. Shadow caught me and held me by my shoulders.

"It's ok..you can trust her.." He sighed and Jade looked up wonder filled her eyes. Scarlet,the girl, transformed into a huge wolf. She was bigger than me and was still sitting. I gasped a bit and she layed down looking straight at us. Shadow smoothly unlocked his grip form my shoulders and got on her back. Jade then ran up doing the same clutching for Shadows back for dear life, he held out his hand to me.

"I promise..she won't bite.." I hesitated a bit he grabbed his hand. He pulled me up in front  of him and held my waist. I shook in fear she she started getting up. Chariots rode out of the coliseum. She followed after three went out and the rode was wobbly. I was clutching her fur in my hand, holding it like reins of a horse. Some chariots followed behind us as we rode into town. I turned to Shadow and he grinned nervously his eyes turning to a light yellow.

"You know about all this..don't you.."


"You know I was a figure here.."

"Like I said..you are protecter of heavens destroyer of hells or something like that.." I bit my lower lip as we came to a stop. I looked around and Woman,Children and men were gathered around. Their clothes were white but some had dirt all over them,or maybe some flour. They looked in amazement as we rode through. Shadow leaned in to whisper in my ear.

"Get use to it..they're not staring at the big dog.." I gulped as he sat back. I kept hearing Jade say

"Oh what's this papa? What's that? Who's that?" He tried to answer but was being in gulped in the question sea.  I smiled slightly and knew where we were going. The castle invisible walls opened up as we came before it and let us through. I gasped looking at the beauty of the Roman palace based castle. Pillars made to perfection, sculptors out front to make everything seem creative. Hedges trimmed to perfection, no loose leaf. A fountain had a dolphin on it spitting out water, the dolphin had wings of an angel. Scarlet laid down again and we all got off. My legs wobbled a bit but I managed. She transformed to her normal self and looked down at her toes.

"Please follow me to the main court where Sir Fire and Master Jacob is waiting.." I nodded grabbing Shadows and Jades hand keeping them both close to me. We walked in and I almost passed out from the beauty in front of me.

Authors note

Holla com Es stas I can't spell Spanish. Oh well. Anyways book got over 80 views and I'm happy. Any ways good job people and I just want to tell you one thing. I can draw. Yes I can deal with it. I'm not Picasso but I am making some pictures of ideally what they would look like. I know I used doll divine to make shadow and Amber. I got that. But I'm just showing what I can actually draw so I don't have to feel bad for not showing off myself. So pictures coming out soon. Want a draw book of every drawing I've done in my life, ask in the comments, I may just do one anyways. Chow

-Maddy G

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