Ditching Class

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---Waqas' POV ---

Strange. She didn't show, might as well get going.

I was going to class when I remembered I had to go and get Hussain.

"Kya mathlab nahi jana?"Amber asked when I got there.

"Nahi jana, Hussain you tell her," Anusha said.

"Come on, us 2 will ditch class and be back before it's over. No one will be in trouble," Hussain said.

"Hey, hey, hey, that's not fair,"I said joining them.

"Come on Waqas, that's not fair,"he said.

"Amber, help me out,"I said.

"I tried,"she said.

"So we are going to let them ditch?"I asked.

"I guess,"she said.

"Woo-hoo!" They cheered.

"But," she said interrupting their celebrations.

Now, we're talking!

"You'll have to cover us as well,"she said.

"Done,"they said and we left.

"So did you mean, us together or alone?"I asked.

"Alone,"she said.

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