Finding out

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---Waqas' POV---

"Guys, I really think we have the wrong hall," I said.

"Same!" Shehry said.

"Fine. Let's check the other one," Hussain said.

We all agreed on it.

"This place looks more like it," Atif said.

"Agreed," we all said.

I got an important call so I just told them that I'd meet up with them and they left. I attended to the call and went inside.

I got inside to see there was more than one function going. Damn it! Should have just have had the guys wait.

I just went with my gut and walked into the hall in which performances were going on. I was about to leave when I noticed something.

"Excuse me. Can I see your ticket please?" Someone said.

"I don't have one," I said.

"Are you related or friends with one of the dancers?" he asked.

"No, here. I'll leave. It's not like any of them mean anything to me," I said.

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