Beauty Needs an Animal To Breathe( Pierce the Veil Fan fic)

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TW: Abuse, Self-harm
(Anna's POV)

I woke up one Saturday morning with the smell of bacon. Poor pig! I'm a vegetarian and my twin sister isn't. Every morning she wakes up, and makes bacon. It has to be out of spite.

I wasn't hungry that morning, like most mornings. I stayed in bed for the majority of the morning listening to Blink 182 and My Chemical Romance. So, now is a good time to tell you about myself.

I am 16 years old, with no life and no friends except for Jaime. I have blonde hair with black chunks, blue eyes, and I have a nose and a lip piercing. My twin sister, Nicole, was the total opposite of me, she was into pop music and has blonde hair with blue eyes. She is the one of the most popular people in school, and doesn't give a shit about me! I can only wonder why my sperm-donor loves her and not me.

Jaime was in Saturday school, he punched some kid for calling me a 'emo fag'. I'm so lucky to have him, I've never gotten along with girls my age.

My sister calls me from down the stairs, "Anna!! Come here right the fuck now!" She screams.

After hearing the faint scream, I unplugged my earphones and went down stairs to see what was causing a commotion.

When I got downstairs Nicole was on the kitchen counter with her knees held close to her chest.

"What the fuck, Nicole? Are you 12?" I roll my eyes.

"A spider!" I laugh at her fears, keeping a mental note if she ever tries me like she has in the past. I grab a paper towel and safely got the spider, putting it outside.

I heard a car door slam, and ran in full speed up to my room. I knew this was a set up, she loved when I was out of my room when my father had arrived. I was about to lock the door when my abuser came in.

"This is my fucking house, I'm removing the lock". He yelled. His breath smelled of alcohol, that's how I knew I was gonna get hurt. Some days he comes home drunk enough to think I was my mom, in which follows with abuse in a different way. The worst way.

I closed my eyes, standing there motionless thinking, "Jaime I wish you were here". Then I felt a slight pain on my cheek. I fell down to the carpet holding my face crying with pain.

"You're such a fucking waste of space, air, money. Including my fucking time"

He left slamming the door. I wish my mom was here, she wouldn't of let him do that. I can barely believe that at one point we were all happy together, maybe when I was a child. He's an alcoholic,  and it makes me never want to drink.

I took out the razor from my dresser, and ran to the bathroom. I filled the tub with water and started, each cut went deeper and deeper. My wrist was covered in blood and I knew there was no possible way of hiding it from Jaime. I put my wrists under the faucet. Red. Pink. White. My wrists we only bleeding a bit and I wrapped them up with a bandage.

Finally, Jaime was out of Saturday school and I decided to call him for a shot of happiness.

Ring, ring, ring. "Hello"

"Hey.. My dad went psycho, I don't want to be here anymore", I said with a frown on my face.

"Sure, I'll be there in 5 mins" He said with a smile in his voice and I smiled too knowing that I will see my best and only friend.

"Okay bye" I said cheerfully, he knew how to make me smile.

"Bye, An" He said and I hung up.

I waited quietly, then a knock came at my window. I ran over to it, unlocked it, and gave him a huge hug.

"Whatsup, Gurrl!"

"Yaknow, nothing new. How was school on the weekend?" I raise my brow.

"School is useless, but I'd do it again for you." He smiles. His expression quickly changing as if he just remembered something he's been waiting to show me. He says, "You should come meet the boys!"

"Sure! I'd love too." I said while jumping up to get my coat.

The boys. I've never meet any of them, but I've been having dreams. Weird ones. I would be walking around in the meadow, picking flowers. Then, I'd see a guy and I think his name was Victor, screaming at me to get out of the way. I stood there confused then my attention went on a car, coming at me slowly. Next I woke up in darkness, and that was it. Weird huh, but I didn't know who Victor was,

But in the dream it had seemed like he was a twin flame, or a soulmate of some sort.

When we had arrived at the house, I wasn't nervous cause these kids went to my school. We walked in, two were playing Black ops. Wasn't there one more?

"Hey Jaime! Got a girlfriend FINALLY!" The very tall one said, his head was saved half way, ALOT of tattoos and some piercings. Me and Jaime blushed

"Noo, she my bestfriend. Meet Anna, wait where's your brother" he asked the tall one.

"Oh he's At the store getting some party things" the tall one said

Jamie's mouth did a 'o' shape and they both started walking over to me.

"Hey, I'm mike" The tall one,was named mike. I made sure to remember that.

"Hi, I'm Anna" I said with a smile

"Nice to meet you, your beautiful" mike said, I blushed

"Thanks" I smiled, then the other one came over to say hi.

"I'm Tony" he said shyly, rubbing his neck

"Hi Tony, I'm Anna, and no need to be shy"

"Okay, do you like Black Ops" He said

"YEA!" I screamed

"Let's play"

I walked over to the t.v and grabbed the controller, then mike said,"HEY, I WAS PLAYING THAT!!" I laughed

"Not no more" I said with a smile, and Tony chuckled.

"I BEAT YOUR ASS", while Jaime and Mike started laughing



Mike said" Save the slapping asses for when you guys are, in a room and not around people"I started Laughing my ass of literary.

I was rolling on the floor Laughing, and crying with Jaime and mike. Tony just stood there blushing.

Then in the middle of the laughing fest, the door swung open I didn't look who it was until tony said

"Hey Vic" My Stomach dropped. I turned around to meet the mousy gorgeous eyes I've ever seen in my life.

Jaime finally said something " Hey Vic this is Anna, is it alright If she hangs out with us" He nodded, and smiled.

I can't get over his eyes and brown hair, then he said hi to me.

"Hey I'm Victor, but you can call me Vic" VICTOR! Oh my fucking god, he's the one from my dream.

"Hi-i, I'm-m An-na" I tried my hardest not to stutter, but I Couldn't help it.

He smiled and looked at me, then my wrist. He frowned, and hugged me, whispering to me

"Darling it will be okay" I smiled and frowned at the same time.

Then he yelled" LETS HAVE A PARTY SHALL WE???" I giggled, plugging I'm my iPod playing all my favorite songs while we danced to it. This was really fun, but like me I tried some alcohol and got hooked, so looks who's drunk. I passed out on the table and fell into darkness while my dream appeared


Well that is the First chapter, to my first story.. WHOOO HOOO. Thanks so much for reading.

Find me on twitter @JaimePreciadoCX

Kik me Chrissydo3416

And don't forget to comment and vote!!!

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