Reveal Time!

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Something about him.......seems familiar.......but what?
"Here you go (L-name)San" he puts my paper on my desk
I sense something....something off putting.....almost as if we have been lied to.....but....
I watch as the teacher walks away.
This is......very unsettling....what is going on? Why do I feel this way?
I take my thoughts to glance through a window looking out at the grassy fields.
Something hits the window closest to the teacher's desk.
"Kya!" He squeals as if he knew what happened.
Hmmmm now I'm even more suspicious...
I furrow my narrow eyebrows. And aim my (E/C) eyes at our teacher in a sharp glare. Although unaffected which is leading me to believe that this is much more of an issue then I think.
"Um sir?" Nagisa's voice cuts me out of my thoughts.
"Yes? Shiota~Kun?" He replies
"What should we call you? We don't know your name."
"Ah well, you can just call me Ko-" He stops himself.
"Koutoura...." He rubs the back of his head.
"Ok!" Nagisa smiles "Koutoura~Sensei! Nice ring!" Sugino says happily
Seems no one else caught on.......what is this.....ugh.....this is really hurting my brain but I don't think Koutoura~Sensei is the best name for this guy!
"H-hey (F-name)Chan?" Nagisa is shaking your shoulder.
"Huh!? O-oh hey Nagisa."
"The bell rang we can go home now."
"Nice I'll get my stuff then."
Nagisa and I walk down the path away from the school building.
"Hey (F-name)Chan?"
"You seem upset....what happened?"
"Oh Nagisa~Kun I'm not sad j-just a bit distracted that's a-"
Your voice trails off as out of the corner of your eye you see a certain Cherry Top doing what seems to be running from or after something.
"O-oh sorry..... I'm just really distracted....."
We continue walking
That HAD to be my had to be.....that couldn't have been Karma-Kun....
"See ya tomorrow (F-name)Chan!" Nagisa waves to me.
"Bye Nagisa~Kun" I reply.
Time skip 12:30am
That Couldn't have been Karma....UGH! Why am I even THINKING about that dumb ego obsessed Cherry Popsicle!?
This should not be my main issue! The main topic is hunch may be correct.....
I finger the Anti-Koro~Sensei knife.
And how did this get to me? I thought they were all confiscated after we completed the mission....
Knock knock
Eh? Who is knocking on my door at 1:00 in the morning?
I slip into my fuzzy bunny slippers and walk to the door.
"What the heck.....?" I stare down at the items on the welcome mat.
"Anti-Koro~Sensei hand guns?! What is thi- wait.....does someone know about this and my hunch?!"

POV:Shady Figure:
"Looks like this is how it's going down after all....humph....I will not stand for being betrayed....but I don't feel it's right to show myself to others until someone bests him."
"What you don't think that the Ministry of defense will approve?"
"Oh hush up! I just feel that this should have been over with by now!"
"Aw how cute someone believes she has better things to do."
"I do I have much better paying jobs I could be doing right now!"
"Oh? Is that so? They why are you here with me,of all people."
"Heh you get more like a b!tch every day"
"Just think when we get revealed we will have that in one piece again!"

Your POV:
"Uuuuuuuhh....... I hate mornings. I got no sleep last night"
You pack your things and attach the Koro~Sensei guns and the knife to your belt.
"This time I will not be taken as a fool."
You glare at yourself in the mirror.
"Sigh....this is going to be fun" a smile crawls upon your lips.

Time Skip 12:52pm
"Alright class I'm passing out your math homework for tonight."
There it is again
You think as he passes your desk
That feeling....
You place your hand on the knife
Either he dodges it at Mach 20 or has a tentical  chopped off! Or if he is human....gets hit by a rubber knife.
Nagisa notices the knife
"(F-name)Chan what are you doing were did you get that?" He says under his breath
Slowly you stand up and with perfect aim and speed throw the knife.
Everyone in the classroom gasps
I was right
"Your quicker then I thought (L-Name)San" Koutoura~Sensei said
I take out the guns and begin to shoot rapidly. Nothing but bloodlust in my eyes.
Something shoots the guns out of my hands.
"That will be quite enough." All of us look up to see who the voice came from.
"B!TCH SENSEI?!" Everyone gasps
You could tell she still wasn't over that name.
"I-irena?!"  Koro~Sensei managed to say.
"Long time no see octopus. And same goes for you little brats."
"Well looks like B!tch Sensei is still B!tch Sensei" Isugoi says
"Well she ain't the only one who is back."
The other gun is shot from my hand.
Oh no..........what I saw was not my imagination.......

It's Karma.....!

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