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(A/N) In certain scenes Selim will be Pride and Bradley will be Wrath. Just a oneshot for right now since I wrote this literally in an hour and half.

"Selim!" The dark haired boy turned to see a blonde haired girl suddenly beside him. He had never really tried to interact with the other children at school, he found them too annoying and immature to deal with. The Humumculis wished he had been at least spared school and given a tutor but his 'mother' had wanted him to be able to play with other children his 'age'.

"Who are you?" He asked trying to hold back the annoyance in his voice.

"Kately." She responded smiling brightly. "I was just wondering if you'd like to team up for the outside activities today."

"Activities?" Selim raised an eyebrow at this looking at the other children who had already begun to grab partners. "What kind of activities."

The bright eyed girl grabbed his hand and began walking them over to the group. "Well, there's going to be a three-legged-race, and then I think they might've been talking about having a teamwork hide-and-go-seek."

"That sounds weird, why would they want us doing that?" He stared at her hand imagining the different ways it could easily be broken.

"For teamwork I guess. Your dads the Furher right? He must've told you a little bit about how you have to work together to take down the enemy."

Selim smiled. "Yes, he's told me a lot." He thought of the tunnel Sloth was making and the promised the day. "My father has already explained the importance of cooperation."

Kately turned to him and smiled brighter, her blue eyes sparkling with pure joy. "It must be nice having such a wonderful father." She coughed a little and resumed their walk.


"Hey Wrath, why do humans smile? Why do we smile? Father doesn't." Pride asked his 'father' when the two of them were alone.

"It is because of enjoyment I suppose." Wrath responded, hands locked behind his back. "We smile because we enjoy something, or a lot of the cases with humans, because we're happy."

A smirk spread on Prides features as he looked out the window from where he sat on Wraths desk, legs crossed. "I wonder how that girl is reacting."

"Girl?" Wrath raised an eyebrow at him. "I don't think you want to mess with women pride. I've learned that there are many different ways they can be resilient."

"Oh Wrath, are you sure you're not just going soft because of your wife." His smirk grew when he saw Wraths fists clench, but they soon stopped and he breathed in deeply.

"My dear boy, I do believe in this case at least, I might prove you wrong."

"Darling, Selim! I'm home now!" Called out Mrs. Bradley as she entered the mansion. The older woman entered the room and went over to her husband giving him a soft kiss. "Selim, how was school?" She asked turning to her son and smiling softly.

"It was great mom!" He exclaimed in excitement running over to his 'mother'. "We had a race today and my partner and I won."

"Well, that sure is exiting. Who was your partner?"

"A girl named Kately." He made eye contact with Bradley. "She ran really fast for a girl."

Mrs. Bradley bent down and hugged Selim tightly trying to stifle a giggle. "Hey Selim, maybe she likes you."

"What?" Selim's eyes widened in genuine surprise. "What do you mean likes me?"

"Darling, girls do a lot of crazy things when they like a boy." He looked down thinking about how stupid that was. "Now, how would you like to eat dinner." She asked looking towards her husband.

"Sure, but can I go outside and do something real quick? I forgot to do it on my way back home."

"Well, as long as you have the guards following you, and if your father says it's alright."

"I don't see why not." Bradley replied giving Selim a knowing look.

The small boy thanked his parents and quickly went to get his coat before walking out into the cold air of outside. He smiled licking his lips. "There's no way she's still there."

'Hey Selim, after school will you meet me at the park? There's something I wanted to give you.'

'Sure, I'll be there.' He replied turning around and scoffing a little. 'Yeah right.' He muttered.

"There's no possible way she'd stay out in this cold weather, it's been hours." He looked at the park and paused. A small shivering figure sat on a stone bench hugging her arms to her chest, blonde hair the only warmth she had for her head. "How stupid are you to stand out here in the cold."

Kately stood up when she saw the dark haired boy coming towards her. "Selim, I'm so happy you could make it!"

"Are you an idiot!" He shouted grabbing a hold of her hand. "Why would you wait for me, it should've been obvious the first hour I wasn't coming."

"Well, you said you would so..." She smiled again. "And you did, so I can give you your birthday present." She put a tiny box in his free hand not breaking eye contact. "I knew it was next week so, I wanted to give it to you before..." She coughed hard blood falling on the ground. "Before..." Her eyes closed and she fell forward.

"Get up." He whispered. "Get up damnit!"


Kately Smith

Age: 9

Height: 3'4"

Hair color: Blonde

Eye color: Blue

Parents: Deceased

Home: Central City Orphanage

Kately Smith is currently in the hospital awaiting treatment for an illness and will be out of school for the time being. ~ School Administrator.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2016 ⏰

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