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asting, 2:01am

"Don't bitch around me!" Kevin yelled, making me wince as his voice bounced through the empty walls of our small home. "You think that's gonna get you what you want? You think daddy's gonna spoil you some more?" He smiled cruelly at me. I said nothing.

Kevin hit me again, making me fall to the floor, my cheek stinging. He loomed over me. "You were never what I wanted. I only took you in cause you were clearly damaged and you needed help. But I can't help you anymore." He stepped closer to me and I backed up, scooting closer and closer to the front door. "You didn't do what I asked and now you pay." Kevin raised his hand again but I slipped under him just in time. His hand sliced the air as I grabbed my phone and jacket and ran out the door.

"Where you goin girl?" Kevin yelled from the porch. "You got nowhere to go! What do you think you're doing?" I didn't respond as I ran as fast as I could away from his house. I knew he could easily get in the car and catch me but I had to try. I ran and ran, my legs feeling like they were going to catch on fire they burned so bad. Not once did I look behind me. I flipped my hood up and jogged at a slower pace now, trying to catch my breath before I began the push to run into downtown Vegas.

I heard a car behind me and I ran off the road, my entire body shaking. "HEY! GIRL!" A voice yelled from behind me. I refused to turn around as I swerved into somebody's yard, running through the grass in the pitch blackness of night. "HEY DONT RUN AWAY WE DONT WANNA HURT YOU!" The voice yelled again. The voice most definitely wasn't Kevin's. I paused, stopping in my tracks, debating whether or not I should turn around. "YOU OKAY OVER THERE HUN?" A second voice yelled. A car door opened and slammed shut. Footsteps crunched through the dry grass towards me. I slowly spun around only to be faced with two figures staring back at me.

"We saw you running like all the way across the county!" One of the two boys exclaimed. The other pulled out his phone. "It's 2 o'clock in the morning what are you doing out running?" He asked. "None of your business," I muttered, walking straight between the pair and back out onto the side of the road. I began to slowly keep jogging, kind of hoping they would follow me. Sure enough, I heard the car rumble to a start and it pulled up next to me, idling. "Something isn't right about this," the boy with darker hair stuck his head out the driver's side window. "A girl as pretty as you shouldn't be out here with only a jacket at 2 in the morning. Come with us, we'll take you home." He beckoned for me to get in the car with him and his buddy.

All my instincts were telling me no; you never get in a stranger's car, especially in Las Vegas. But for some reason the boy pulled me in. Maybe it was his flirty personality, or maybe it was the way he got out and gentlemanly opened the backseat door for me. Whatever it was, I was forever grateful that I had climbed in his car that night.

a/n- i'm so happy for this book i've been writing it for awhile for myself just to fulfill my feels but i've decided to publish it for all of you! enjoy! ❤️😘

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