Chapter Four

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(**Still Johnnie's POV***)

I decided to get back to the meet and greet since I don't want to disappoint my fans but all I could think about was that girl, and yes I know I should give her a nickname instead of calling her "that girl" since I don't know her name.

When the meet and greet was over, I went back to the swings where the girl was and told her to come stay with us a little bit. She hesitated before nodding and followed me back to the car and we drove back to the apartment.

When we (which includes me, Bryan, Jordan, and Kyle) unlocked the apartment door, we all settled down and went to do our own things but the girl was just standing in the doorway while looking at everyone else relaxing on the couch or eating a bag of chips in the kitchen.

"Don't be shy, I usually don't bite," I said jokingly and she gave a small smile. I think she's starting to open up a bit. I led her to my room and I flopped down on my bed and patted the spot next to me for her to sit down. She awkwardly sat down and again played with her bracelets.

I watched her play with it until I remembered what happened when we were waiting for Bryan to pick us up but I'm not completely sure if I saw correctly. "Hey um..." I said awkwardly and the girl looked up and started at me. "I just wanted to ask-" I couldn't finish my sentence when Bryan cut me off by running into my room with 3 boxes up pizza and screaming, "WHO WANTS PIZZA!"

God dammit Bryan...

I sighed. "Do you want some pizza?" I asked the girl. She shook her head but I realized she hadn't had anything to eat since I brought her to the hospital. "Are you sure?" I asked. "You haven't eaten all day."

She nodded and gave a convincing smile so I just shrugged. Bryan left the room and I could hear a lot of yelling and screaming coming from the living room. Probably over who gets the last slice.

"How about we go take a walk?" I suggested so we could talk in private and get away from all the noise. She hesitated before nodding and she followed me to the front door.

I told everyone that I was gonna go take a walk with her and they all nodded, but I first took off her Jordan Sweeto bag and handed it to Jordan who happily took it and I told him to put it in my room. I then without thinking, grabbed her hand which made her give a confused look and I let and go and apologized.

Okay, Johnnie you need to get your shit together. You are DATING ALEX. I can't just hold some else's hand. I mentally cursed at myself of how stupid I was but tried to forget about it and enjoy the rest of the night. Her and I walked out of the building and started walking to Applebee's. After a few minutes of silently walking, she all of a sudden stopped walking and I asked her if she was okay.

She looked at me with teared up eyes and a few tears rolling down her cheeks. I walked closer to her but she took off running and I just stood there for a second asking myself why she just ran but realized I had to go after her but first scolded myself for just standing there looking like a complete idiot.

I chased after her and yelled at her to stop but it was too late. She was gone.

(***JADE'S POV***)

Johnnie kept begging for me to talk but I kept refusing and played with my wrist bands but I saw his eyes squint as he tried to look at my cuts that I was doing a very bad job at hiding. Luckily, Bryan's car just pulled up and I was thankful that he didn't see my secret.

After that awkward and painful car ride to the meet and greet, we finally arrived but I stayed far away from everyone because of my social anxiety and sat alone on the swings.

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