Chapter One

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The toddler in my arms was in an irritated mood tonight, he was normally not a fussy baby but little Michael was not having it today. I tried one last time to feed him some of his spinach but he just started crying, "shhh it's okay little guy, we'll try again later". I put the food on the table, wiped his mouth and hugged the little two-year-old cutie closer to my body. He put his thumb in his mouth, his head on my shoulder and almost immediately started drifting off. Chris and Melanie were both playing in the pool with Bellamy, and Mr and Mrs Griffin were sitting on the other side of the table, happily chatting and sipping on red wine.

I turned to the pool and looked at the kids playing, Chris and Melanie were the sweetest twins ever and at seven years old they were the best-behaved kids I have come across. Both with their light brown hair that they got from their father and green eyes that they got from their mother, these kids were going to be really good looking when they got older if their parents were any indication. I stared at the man in the pool with them, 27 year old Bellamy, the kids' half brother and one of Mr Griffin's two children from his first marriage. He had the exact same features as his dad, just 20 odd years younger, with his dark chocolate brown hair and hazel eyes that you could drown in.

In the six months I've been an au pair with the Griffin family I have really been accepted as part of them, the kids loved me and treated me like an older sibling, Bellamy and Octavia became my really good friends along with their mother, Sarah, who invites me over for Sunday lunch every week, and Mr and Mrs Griffin, who insist I call them John and Heather, didn't hesitate to thrust me into their family life.

"I'm going to put Michael in his crib" I told Mr and Mrs Griffin. Mrs Griffin made a'wait' motion with her hand and called the others out from the pool "Chris, Mel time to get cleaned up, you can play in the pool again tomorrow. Time for bed".The kids groaned but got out of the pool, Bellamy following behind them. "I'll take them up to their room while you put Mikey in his crib" Bellamy told me while he was drying himself off. "Thanks doorbell, I'll be there in a few" I called over my shoulder as I made my way inside and up the stairs to Michael's room. I held on to the toddler and softly sang his favorite lullaby, which Octavia taught me when I couldn't get him to fall asleep. I kissed Michael on the forehead and put him down in his crib, next to his biggest teddy bear. "Night little man, sweet dreams but just in case they aren't I'll be listening" I said, pointing to his baby monitor. "I love you Mikey" I said one last time and kissed him on the forehead again.

I turned around and almost screamed but stopped when I saw who was standing there. Bellamy, in his shirtless glory, stood in the doorway with his arms crossed against his broad chest and a soft smile gracing his lips. "The twins refuse to do anything without you, both are stubbornly waiting in their wet swimsuits for you to help them" he said chuckling while looking at Michael in the crib. He turned those eyes to me, "you're really good with them, they love you. I think they might even love you more than they do me" he chuckled again. "Aww is someone feeling a bit jealous, neglected?" I asked with a teasing tone. "Nah, not of you at least, more of them. Lucky bastards have a girl like you loving them that much" he said winking at me. I just rolled my eyes at him, this isn't the first comment in that direction he has ever made and I learned to just accept it and not think anything of it. My heart wasn't as convinced as my head though and always skipped a beat when he said something like that. Stupid heart.

"Well come on then let's not let the twins wait any longer" I said, but Bellamy was still standing in the doorway, blocking my exit. "Seriously church bell, could you move out of my way" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest and starting to get annoyed. "Make me" he challenged, "give me a kiss and I'll let you out". "Ha ha you are real funny, now let me through" I whisper-shouted while I tried to push him out of the way. Man he was heavy and unmoving, like a stupid ass sexy brick wall, ugh. "Bell, move". "You know what you need to do, just one little kiss, Come on pixie you know you're dying to plant one on me".

The smug ass just smirked at me and I knew he wasn't going to let me pass without getting what he wants. Shit. 'Well two could play that game' I thought to myself as I stepped closer to him while biting my lip. I could see the shock register on his face and saw his throat move as he swallowed heavily. Not so smug now, I grinned internally. I stepped even closer to him and just when it seemed like I would reach on my toes to kiss him I instead ducked under his arm and ran out of the room giving an evil laugh. I heard him growl and yell "you're gonna pay for that pixie". I looked at him over my shoulder, gave him a wink and blew him a kiss as I walked into the twins' room to get them ready for bed, a shiver going down my spine from the promise I saw in his eyes when he delivered his threat. Well, I have a feeling things are going to get interesting around here.

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