Chapter 1

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It's 6:00AM on a Monday morning and I'm being rudely awoken by the sounds of not only my alarm clock blaring, but also every other person in my home getting ready for their day. I roll over and try to hit snooze to get just 15 more minutes of somewhat peaceful sleep when I hear momma's voice from my doorway.

"Don't you dare hit that snooze button Louisa. You don't want to be late for the first day of your last year of high school!"

I let out a groan of discontent. Maybe if I ignore her and wrap myself tightly enough in the blankets it will be quiet and dark enough that I can go back to bed.

Just as I'm thinking that might actually work I feel the weight on the bed shift as the dog jumps up on the bed and positions himself right on top of me.

"Alright already I'm up, I'm up!" I say as I try to push Duke's oversized paws out of my face. Our old Great Dane slowly makes his way off the bed and follows my mom out of my room and back down the stairs.

I roll over and sit up in bed and once my feet touch the cold hardwood floor of my bedroom I know there is absolutely no hope for the snooze button anymore.

It's only about 6:10 now and I start to make my way towards the bathroom I share with my little sister Lily. She's in there already, of course, bright eyed and bushy-tailed getting ready for her first day as a sophomore at Easthampton High School.

"Which mom woke you up today?" She asks with a mouthful of toothbrush and toothpaste.

"I got tag teamed by momma AND Duke this morning." I said as I started my morning routine.

The mom I'm referring to is my biological mother, Clarke, who Lily and I call momma. With both of us having wavy blonde hair we look a lot alike. The major difference is the she has bright blue eyes and I have green ones. We act almost identical too, which can be good and bad. My little sister Lily looks just like our other mother, Lexa who is her biological mom. They both have green eyes and brown hair except Lily's hair is much longer than mom's and reaches all the way down to practically her belly button.

"Dude, that's rough. But you know, if you'd just learn by now to sit up as soon as your alarm goes off, she wouldn't go in your room every morning for a rude awakening." She looks at me out of the corner of her eye as she applies her eyeliner. "You'd think after 11 years of school you'd have learned that by now."

"Yeah you'd think that wouldn't you. But we can't all be as smart as you are, Lil."

Lily is 15 years old and way too smart for her own good. She's also good at pretty much everything she tries. Academics, band, chorus, sports-she's practically the prodigy of our family. I on the other hand, am not musically inclined at all. But I do pretty well for myself at school, and sports are where I really excel. I've played a sport every season since I was in sixth grade. Volleyball in the fall, indoor track in the winter, outdoor track in the spring, and horseback riding year round. I have been hoping that my steadily improving mile time will get me an academic scholarship to Cornell University, which is where I've wanted to go to become a veterinarian since I was twelve years old.

Lily rolls her eyes at me and then after that we continue our separate routines in silence. She started her day about 20 minutes earlier than I did so I get to finish the last part of my morning ritual alone which is sometimes the way I prefer it.

Once I am all ready to start my first day of senior year I make my way downstairs. Everyone is of course dressed and ready and sitting at the table eating breakfast.

"Good morning, honey." My mom gets up to greet me and kisses me on the forehead. "Eggs are on the stove, and bread is in the toaster for you."

"Thanks, mom." I said smiling.

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