Chapter 2

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"WE'RE SENIORS! Can you fucking stand it?!" Ally screamed as she ran towards Lily and I in the parking lot.

"She's a real charmer. I can see why you're friends with her." Lily said dryly.

I nudged her with my elbow reminding her to behave as I prepared myself for the bone crushing hug my best friend was about to deliver. Ally and I always had a way greeting like it'd been years since we'd seen each other. When, in reality, it had only been about a day and a half.

"What's up little Lily? You ready for your sophomore year?" Ally asked as she ruffled Lily's long brown curls.

Lily ducked away from my best friend's reach and immediately moved her hands to repair whatever damage Ally may have done. "Annnndd that's my cue to leave. See you later Lou." She said and waved as she walked away.

"Bye Lil! I'll miss you!" Ally called after her blowing kisses at Lily's back. "She hates me." She turned to say as soon as Lily was out of ear shot.

"She doesn't hate you! She just doesn't understand your...unique sense of humor."

"It's alright. I'll win her affection eventually. I have faith."

Typical Ally. Convinced that she can force her friendship on anyone she chooses.

"So I was thinking, oh best friend of mine, that this year during volleyball tryouts you should spike the ball directly at Melanie Brown's face. I think it would be a vast improvement on what's already there." She said as we started walking towards the school.

Melanie Brown and her group of minions were some of the only people in the school that Ally and I didn't like. Mel and I have been in every class together and played every sport together since kindergarten and pee-wee soccer. We've also been in constant competition since the day we met. Sometimes I would win, sometimes she'd win. It was a classic rivalry and the end didn't seem to be anywhere in sight.

"As satisfying as it would be to fill that request for you, I'm gonna have to say no. Coach Miller would kill me AND my dream of being captain this season if she caught me doing that on purpose."

"Why oh why do you have to be the responsible friend?" Ally asked as she shook her head.

"Because you'd probably be in jail if I wasn't?"


"Come on weirdo, let's go to class." I said as we headed through the doors and into the main hallway of Easthampton High.

We parted ways, promising that we would see each other during our shared lunch period, and headed to our respective first periods. For me that meant Advanced Placement Biology and for Ally that was her photography class.

As I entered room 201 I felt a wave of relaxation rush over me. Getting into trouble with Ally this summer was fun and all, but I was happy to be back in a classroom. I found a seat front and center and started to get my books ready for class.

"Hey, Louisa. How, uh...h-how was your s-summer?" I didn't even have to look up to know who was talking. The nervous stammering of Sam Mitchell was impossible to not recognize.

Sam Mitchell was the valedictorian of our senior class. He was captain of the math team and the most valuable member of the science team. We started taking classes together when we started high school and he's been in all of my advanced classes. Sam was sort of cute-in his own tall lanky nerdy sort of way-and I knew he liked me. But he's always been a loyal friend and I didn't want to lose him as that.

"Hey Sam, my summer was really fun. How about yours? What did you do?"

"Oh I w-went to sci-science camp at Holyoke Community College. I l-learned a lot. What di-did yo-u do?"

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