Chapter 3

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As far as first weeks of class go, I'd say mine was pretty productive. I was already ahead in most of my classes, we were planning our first quiz on chapter 1 in AP Bio, I'd been helping coach Miller lead practices all week, and I was asked by my guidance counselor to start working in the learning center as a peer tutor.

The downsides to the week however, were probably as significant as the productivity. Spreading myself so thin meant that I had less time with my best friend, and moms were working extra hours all week so we barely saw them. The plus side to that is that I got to see my grandparents more which was sort of nice because they always treated Lily and I like adults when moms didn't. Speaking of Lily, both of our busy schedules meant that we only really saw each other on car rides to and from school and a little bit at home when we weren't locked in our rooms doing homework. And I'm especially sad to report that I never had my "next pizza encounter" with Ray. Not that is been looking for him or anything...okay, I'm lying. I was definitely keeping an eye out for him. But only because I couldn't stop thinking about him this week, and I needed to figure out why.

After my fifth day in a row of not seeing Ray in the lunchroom, I figured it might be time to give up my boy crazy search. I told myself that tomorrow I wouldn't look for him and I would shift my focus back to what was most important-school and volleyball. As the bell rang to signal the end of fifth period, I headed towards the library to have my first official tutoring session.

I'd been asked to tutor in a variety of subjects. The school couldn't really pay you to tutor, but in exchange for your efforts you'd get extra credit in the subjects you were tutoring plus community service hours-which we needed to graduate.

I walked into the library, said hello to Ms. Golden at the circulation desk, and signed myself in for the next forty minutes of peer educating. Then I headed to the group study room and took a seat while I waited for my tutee to arrive.

That's when I saw him. I don't think I really took the time to appreciate how tall Ray actually was until I was sitting down and looking up at him. He was 6'2" with dark brown hair and eyes the color of coffee. His broad shoulders and strong arms were a clear indication of his athleticism. And his olive skin gave him the appearance of being permanently sun-kissed.

I was so busy admiring the simple beautiful details about him that I didn't realize that he was talking to me.

"Hey! Pizza girl! Uh...Louisa...right?" He asked hesitantly.

"Yup! That's me!" I said a little too enthusiastically.

"I didn't know that you were going to be my tutor. Guess I lucked out."

What did he mean by that? Calm down Louisa, don't overthink it it probably doesn't mean anything.

"Why don't you take a seat and we can get started?" I said trying to brush the last comment out of my mind.

He nodded while flashing a thousand watt smile and took a seat across from me.

"So you must be pretty smart then to be a tutor?" He said cocking an eyebrow at me.

Was he looking me up and down when he spoke? Focus Louisa. You have to tutor him. This is your job and you can't get distracted.

"Yeah I guess so." I replied shyly.

Was I blushing? Oh god please tell me I wasn't blushing!

"So...what can I do to help in pre-calc?" I asked trying to regain some professionalism. "What areas do you need help in?"

"Uhhhhh pretty much all of it." He said with a weird laugh. He put one hand behind his head and nervously tangled his fingers in his already shaggy hair. "I guess I'm doing okay, I have a C right now because I totally bombed that quiz on the first day. I also missed the first homework assignment but Malia said I can make it up luckily."

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