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chapter five-

The other tests were simple, maths, English, and basic general knowledge. It was much easier then she anticipated. She felt slightly insulted.

After handing the papers back to the professor, he told her she was free to leave for lunch, before wheeling away to his office, frowning at the test as he went.


The cafeteria was like any other- noisy, with kids sitting in little groups, and a thin layer of grease, dirt and food stains on the lino floor. Her sneakers squeaked as she made her way to the furthest table from the loudest clique, who had taken the middle table, and were laughing in high-pitched fake-accented voices, waving pink-painted nails.

She was almost there when one of them yelled, "Lucie? That you?"

She turned around slowly, trying to look like anybody else.

"Oh my goodness! I heard that you'd gotten out of hospital but I had no idea you'd be at school! Come sit with us!" The pretty Asian girl who had spoken to her first waved her hand empathetially.  She was wearing a light pink tank top with a very short denim skirt.

"No, I'm fine, I'll just," replied Lucie, trailing off and backing away.

The dark haired girl looked insulted. "You don't want to sit with your best friend?"

That princess was her best friend?

She really wished she was back in the hospital.

The girl pouted. "Come on Luce, please? I haven't seen you in an age."

Unable to formulate a polite response, she sighed and reluctantly made her way to the table.

The girl tugged her arm once she neared, pulling her down to sit beside her. She had dark brown almond shaped eyes, rimmed with black, and there was a faint glow coming from her that she hadn't noticed before, like filtered sunlight. Lucie guessed that had something to do with her ability.

"Luce, say something." The girl's gaze raked her face. "What's wrong?"

"I've got amnesia. I don't remember you, I'm sorry."

The girl frowned, eyes downcast. "Really?"

Lucie nodded.

The girl's shoulders squared, and for the first time she looked like she was more then a pink-loving frilly girly-girl. "Then I'll have to introduce you again. I'm Cassie. Cassie Lim." She held out her hand out to shake. Lucie took it.

"I'm Lucinda Adams," she said, feeling slightly foolish. "Everyone is calling me Lucie or Luce for some reason." Cassie smiled.

"And what do you like Lucie?"


By the time lunch had ended, Lucie felt like she had found a friend. Cassie left the cafeteria with a wave and Lucie's hand itched from the password to her laptop that Cassie had scrawled on the back of her hand.

Professor X (Cassie assured her that everyone called him that) called her to tell her that Sandra was already at the front gates, but he wanted to speak to her in his office first.

The carpet was annoying. Thick and soft, her feet sank up to the ankles into it, making it impossible to walk fast. She tried a new tactic.

She tried shifting her balance up, on her arms and shoulders, lightening her tread. She stepped up, and balanced perfectly on the tips of the woollen strands.

Woah. Her ability wasn't amazing, like Cassie's, who could manipulate light, but it was useful enough for her.

The hallways were completely empty, most of the students in class. The only person she passed was a woman with brown hair who looked a couple years older then her. The woman simply looked down at Lucie's feet, balancing on the carpet, and continued walking, which she found a little odd.

Finally she made it to the office. Pushing the door open, she found Professor X sitting behind his desk, his eyes closed.

"Um, professor?" Lucie stepped forwards a little nervously.

His eyes opened and he frowned at her. Then he slid a couple of papers across the desk, papers she recognised as the test. She took them and flipped through.

"I got... Full marks? Isn't that good?"

"Not when you've never learned the material." The professor wheeled around the desk and stopped in front of her.

"What, so I somehow learnt it?" Lucie was honestly confused. Why was this a big deal?

The professor sighed and took the papers from her. "I sensed it the moment you entered the property. I'm not sure how this was accomplished, to remove a person psyche and place it inside another's body, but this is clear."

"You are not Lucinda Adams."

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