Trick 1

422 13 2

● Do not in any circumstances use this for evil and revenge.

Like seriously, have a heart people.

Ok. So  Tip 1.

Make him/her want you.

Joke around how your pretty. Or cool. Or creative.  Though it may sound like a joke, deep inside in peoples minds they will partly believe it.

The more you repeat it. The more they seem to believe it.

The more you joke around saying thay they're attracted to you. The more they will think they do.

Influence their minds basically.

Honestly. Its a simple trick no one seems to realize. The more you repeat something the more it seems stuck to there minds.


"You probably couldn't handle my fabulousness"

"Yeah right" he/she answered

"Aaaaaawww.. you love mee!"

The following example might help


It's Quinn. Ask me questions or request I may be able to help. Enjoyy!!

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