New suit and nightmares

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After the shower, I tell Tony to go to bed, because I have to call Bruce about the test today (or that's what I want him to think). What I'm really going to do is going down to the garage and stick the sensors, like Tony did, into my nervous system so I can control the Mark 42 as well and my own suit for that matter, but then I just need to upgrade my own suit as well. But right now I only inject the sensors into my system.

I find the ''syringe'' and inject them into me. The first hurts as hell, and I almost scream in pain, but that'll just reveal myself. It then starts to bleed, lucky that I where a long t-shirt when I sleep, the legs on the other hand. I have to remind myself to take a pair of pants on, before I go into the bedroom.

I know where to put the sensors, so I do it quickly, and I then test it on the Mark 42. I know that the suit won't fit me because it's built after Tony's height, but I can test it by swinging my arms around, and see if the suit follows my lead.

I lift my arm, and the hand of the suits reacts to my move. It places on my hand, but I it feels normal to me, not bigger. I then try a leg, and it reacts as well. It also fits perfectly. Maybe he's upgraded it so I can use it as well. He did say, that he'll do anything to protect me. When I try the rest of the suit, it goes smoothly, and the suit fits me perfectly.

I quickly take off the suit and shut down the lab, before going back to bed so Tony doesn't start to get suspicious, of where I am. But on the way, my hand hits a button, and suddenly the middle of the floor opens, and up comes an Iron Man suit I've never seen before. I frown and walk towards it to have a better look.

It looks a bit different from all Tony's other suits. This is smaller than his normal size, and the colours is also different. It's the same black colour as my SHIELD uniform, a silver colour as well, and then it has SHIELD's brand on the shoulders, but apart from those things, everything is totally the same.

I can then figure out that it's for me, since it's a SHIELD suit, and it's my size. I look down at my arm, thinking that it maybe has the sensor system in it. I lift my arm, and then the suit disintegrates, afterwards the pieces flies to me and attach to my body.

''You love it?'' I hear Tony ask from the door. I have the helmet on, so he can't see me frown at him. I take off the mask of the helmet.

''Yes, I do. But why have you built a new suit for me? I already have a suit.'' I tell him. He takes the mask out of my hand and looks down at it.

''Because your old suit is not good enough, when it comes to your protection. In a couple of your missions, you almost got killed because your suit wasn't made of iron, like mine. I need to protect you in the best possible way.'' he says and kiss the mask before putting it back on me. I nod.

''Okay, then, thank you, baby. I love it.'' I say to him and take off the mask again before kissing him. I then put on the mask again and tell Jarvis to open it before walking out of it. The suit then closes again and stands like the Mark 42.

''Baby, do you love me?'' Tony asks me, like he knows something, that I don't.

I frown at him, like he's silly. ''Yes.'' I tell him truly.

''Then stop lying to me.'' he says with a deep and serious tone. I look down in shame. He pulls my head up with his finger. ''Honey, why did you do it?''

''To protect you.'' I say simply.

He shakes his head. ''No, you're not supposed to protect me, I'm supposed to protect you!'' He says seriously.

''We're supposed to protect each other.'' I say in a low voice.

He sighs and kisses me deeply. ''I know. Just don't lie to me again. Next time, tell me.'' I nod at him and look over at my new suit.

''So... this new suit... am I going to use that from now on?'' I ask him.

He gives me a heart-warming smile. ''Yes. I want you protected, as much as possible. Not up for discussion. I've already put your old suit into a box like my old suits. So that is now your first in your collection. Mark 1.'' he says excitedly. I chuckle at him, but quickly change to serious.

''All right, but I just don't want to be much affected like you are. I'm not going to work so much with a new suit like you do. Just so we're clear.'' I tell him.

He nods in understanding. ''Got it. Now, put it back where you found it and go to bed. It's way past your bedtime little miss.'' he says to me like I'm 8 years old. I chuckle at him and tell Jarvis to put the suit back downstairs before going to bed with Tony.

In the middle of the night I start to feel Tony move next to me in the bed. He shakes several times. Maybe he's having a nightmare. I have a thought that it's about New York. I try to wake him up, but as soon as I touch him, the Mark 42 takes my hand off Tony in protection. I get a shock, but I don't scream, because I know I can control it. Tony is now awake and stands from the bed.

''Power down.'' he says and the suit shuts down. I quickly swing my arms and it disintegrates in pieces. We both breathe heavily by the shock inside us. ''I must have called it in my sleep. That's not supposed to happen. I'll recalibrate the sensors.'' He says. He looks over at me. ''Thanks, honey.''

I nod at him. ''Are you okay?'' I ask him, referring to his nightmare.

He nods. ''Yeah, I'm fine. I just had a nightmare about-''

''New York?'' I finish his answer.

He frowns at me. ''How did you know that?''

I shrug. ''I just know you too well.'' I tell him.

He nods and we both lie back in the bed. He takes his arms around me in protection so nothing else will attack me again. Not that I'm complaining, but he doesn't need to, because I now, with my new suit he gave me, can call it if something attacks me again.

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