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I arrive at a big house and when I look around I see all the guards dead. What happened here? Maybe Tony's already here. I walk inside and it looks like there's been a party. A woman lies on a table, sleeping.

I then hear shots from a gun. I hope it's Tony who shoots and not the Mandarin. I follow the sound and on the way I see a drunk woman lie on a couch while a dead man sit on a chair opposite her. I ignore her and keep following the sound.

I get to a door and I hear Tony talk to the Mandarin. Suddenly I hear nothing. I'm about to go inside, but then I hear a third voice. He talks to the Mandarin, but I don't hear Tony's voice anymore.

I then fear the worst so I get inside, but before I can, the door opens, so I quickly make myself invisible so they don't notice me. I see the Mandarin and Eric Savin, holding Tony's body. My heart breaks. I follow them to see where they put him. They walk down to the dungeon and I see Maya in there.

Savin and the Mandarin tie him to a bed, and when they walk out of there, I get inside the dungeon. I make myself visible and aim the repulsers at Maya.

''Hey!'' I raise my voice at her. She jumps and turns around. I walk towards Tony, still aiming at her. Tony then groans, waking up by my loud voice. I take off my helmet and look at him.

''Tony, baby. I'm right here.'' I say to him. He wides his eyes when he sees me and mumbles ''baby''. He looks terrible. I turn back to Maya. ''What have you done to him?'' I ask her her angry. She stands from the chair and walk towards me.

''Nothing. He's here because I need his help.'' she tells me.

''Yeah, I figured that out at the hotel.'' I say to her in my cocky tone.

She sighs. ''Emma, please...''

''Don't call me that. You're not a friend to me anymore. You betrayed me and Tony. I thought you were on our side.'' I say to her.

''I am. I came to warn him about Killian.'' she says to me.

I roll my eyes at her. ''Rubbish. You came because you need Tony to solve the puzzle he gave you that morning in 1999.'' I say, nodding towards the card in her hand. She looks at me confused.

''How do you know about that?'' she asks me. I feel Tony's eyes bore in my neck.

''I saw it when we were at the hotel. I saw the card and the puzzle behind it. I could tell immediately that it was Tony who made the puzzle.'' I tell her. She's about to say something, when Tony beats her to it.

''Baby, get me out of here, now.'' He says. I give Maya a look before turning to him and trying to break the zip-ties, but before I can, I hear Aldrich's voice.

''You know what my old man used to say?'' he starts out. I get in front of Tony in protection, refusing to let Aldrich get near him. ''His favourite of many sayings.'' I give him an evil glare, like at the hotel. ''The early bird gets the worm, the second mouse gets the cheese.'' he says to us. He then sees me. ''Hello Miss Clark. Nice to see you again.'' he says to me. I can now feel Tony's eyes on my neck again.

''Mr. Killian.'' I greet back to him. He smiles and walk towards the computers.

''You're still not pissed about the Switzerland thing, are you?'' Tony then asks him.

''How can I be pissed at you, Tony? I'm here to thank you. You've given me the greatest gift anybody's ever given me. Desperation.'' He says as he walks towards me and Tony. I aim my repulsers at him.

''Stay away from him.'' I say to him. He chuckles at me.

''Honey, it's okay.'' Tony then says to me. I turn to look at him in shock. ''Go over to Maya.'' he says to me. I sink my hand and walk over to Maya. She looks at me, but I ignore her.

Iron Man 3/Captain America: The Winter Solder (Sequeal to The Avengers)Where stories live. Discover now