Aldrich Killian

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Tony's POV

I get trapped by the rubbles in the water and the water starts to flow inside the helmet, so I can't breathe. I can only get my hand out, so I'm about to use my iron hand to pull myself out, but I then get pulled out by someone else.

When I see who pulled me out I smile inside the helmet. I then fly up to the surface and fall asleep while Jarvis fly the suit, letting him doing the flight.

''Sir. Sir!'' I hear Jarvis shout to me. I wake up.

''All right, kill the alarm. I got it.''

''That's the emergency alert triggered by the power dropping below 5%.'' The helmet start beeping and I then realise what he means. I start to shout in frighten because I'm going to fall down and I can do nothing about it. I scream more and more, because I'm about fall down on a car that drives in the opposite direction.

I luckily hit the road first and then onto the snow. But I still fly a bit, so I fly into the forest through the threes. I finally stop fall onto the snow. I move onto my back and sigh heavily. I take off my mask.

''Snow? Where are we, upstate?'' I ask Jarvis.

''We are 5 miles outside Rose Hills, Tennessee.'' He tells me.

''Why? Jarvis! Not my idea! What are we doing here, this is thousands of miles away? I've gotta get Emma, I've got to-'' I say angrily.

''I prepared a flight plan.'' he says to cheer me up. ''This was the location.''

''Who asked you? Open the suit.'' I order him.

''I think I may be malfunctioning, sir.'' He tells me. Shit.

''Open Eject.'' I say and it opens so I can sit up. Damn it's cold. ''That's brisk.'' I breathe into my hands to get warmth. I take some ice and put it on a wound on my arm. ''Maybe I'll just cozy back for a bit.'' I say and am about to lie down, but then he brings some bad news.

''I actually think I need to sleep now, sir.'' Fuck no you don't.

''Jarvis. Jarvis? Don't leave me, buddy.'' He doesn't reply me. I sigh heavily. Why did he get me here? I didn't tell him to.

I get up and pull the suit across the snow. I eventually find a small store. I see a wooden Indian with a poncho. I take on the poncho so it can keep me warm. I then see a phone box, so I can call Emma, by Stark Secure Server.

''Emma, it's me. I've got a lot of apologies to make and not a lot of time, so first off. I'm sorry to put you in harms way. That was so selfish and stupid and it won't happen again. Also, it's Christmas time. The rabbit's to big and I'm sorry for giving you presents even though I know you hate it. Done. Sorry. And I'm sorry in advance because... I can't get home yet. I need to find this guy. You gotta stay safe. That's all I know. I just stole a poncho from a wooden Indian.'' I end and hang up. I gotta get home as soon as possible.

Emma's POV

I met up with Miss Hansen again, and not longer after Tony left, already the police, the firefighters and the press came. The police are now talking to Miss Hansen. I still have my suit on, but not the helmet. I walk around of what's left of the house. I tried to find my old suit but it's not here.

But what I do find is a helmet from one of Tony's suits. I pick it up from the ground and I see that there's a gash through it. I hear it beeping sound from the inside, which means that Tony has sent me a message. I take it on and listen to what he says.

He says a lot of apologises to me. About the harm he's cost me, the Christmas present and that he won't come home in the nearest future. I understand him, I know Jarvis is out, because I can't contact him from my helmet. The last thing he says makes me laugh a bit.

Iron Man 3/Captain America: The Winter Solder (Sequeal to The Avengers)Where stories live. Discover now