Tag Tag Tag Tag Tag Tag

113 6 20

*sing the title to Work by Rihanna, I apologise in advance*

I got tagged by Serenity_XIX (hey gurl heyy) like 2 weeks ago but I am getting around to it now sorry


1. It is necessary to post ALL the rules

2. You must post 10+ things about yourself

3. You can't refuse unless you want to do a challenge/punishment by tagger

4. Must be done in a week whoops

5. Make a creative name for the tag

6. Tag 13 others


1. I'm in 8th grade in Australia (going into year 9 in July for all you Americans)

2. I'm allergic to kiwi fruit

3. I'm an only child #onlychildlife

4. My parents are divorced

5. My favourite colours are Tiffany Blue and Light Mint Green

6. My friends say I can't cook but I can bake

7. 7 is my lucky number

8. I'm 13 turning 14

9. I don't watch TV very often

10. I'm oddly excited for the Olympics


12. Chocolate > Candy any day

13. School Holidays for Term 1 are in 4 days!!!!!

I tag....









sorry I ran out of people


THERE IS ANOTHER ONE (another one)

More Rules:

1. You MUST post these rules

2. You MUST tag 13 people

3. The person MUST answer 13 questions

4. Answer questions that are assigned to you and create questions for others to answer

5. Tagbacks are allowed

6. Finish the tag within 2 weeks

7. Create a creative title name

~alrighty then~

1. What is your favourite flavour of ice-cream?

Cookies and Cream OR Choc Chip Cookie Dough from Ben and Jerry's

2. Who is your favourite fanfiction writer?

b3ar_hugz and wi-fiteme

3. What do you want to be when you grow up?

Something in the medical field.

4. Batman or Superman?


5.Who do you want to win as president?

Can't Answer bc I'm an Australian

6. Chipotle, Nandos or Starbucks?

Haven't had Chipotle or Starbucks so I'm going to say Nandos

7. Dressed, sweatpants, skirt or jeans?

Jeans if I'm going out, sweatpants for when I'm lounging around

Where do you want to get married?

I dunno, somewhere I guess

9. What is your favourite animal?

PENGUINS (guys do you remember Club Penguin?)

10. Was the dress black and blue or white and gold?

Blue and Brown

11. Winter, Summer, Fall or Spring?

Winter and Autumn

12. Netflix, Youtube or Cable?

Youtube all day err day

13. If you were a YouTuber, what would your YouTube name be?

Something along the lines of "HEY-YA-IM-AMY-HIHIHIHIHIHIHI"

I tag...

All the people I tagged before

Oh but Serenity_XIX I'm making you do this one bc tagbacks

My Questions:

1. Cook or Bake?

2. Where would you like to travel to in the future?

3. What is your favourite subject in school?

4. What is your least favourite subject in school?

5. Best quality?

6. Guilty Pleasure song?

7. Minecraft or Sims?

8. Be a vlogger or a gamer?

9. What would you do with 1 million dollars?

10. How would you react if you found out you were a Kardashian?

11. Would you rather live on a tropical island or a snowy area?

12. Colour of the socks you are currently wearing? (if not wearing socks then what colour shirt are you wearing?)

13. um I don't know I'm giving you control to think of your own question here

One - Shots  / Mainly VikklanDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora