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How can I possibly share it?
Anguish dwells, compressed by every breath.
The surface is porcelane.
The inside is hallow.
You know what the world's biggest problem is?
Lack of empathy.
It cuts me deep, to see cruelty unfold before my very eyes.
There's nothing I can do but witness, mourn and await my faith.
I can escape the madness, be part of a world that doesn't strive to kill.
I am only one against thousands.
Someone will believe me, I'm not losing my mind, just opening my eyes.
Perhaps it'd be better, for my soul and for my head, to seal them shut once more.
Conscience, conscience, what would you say?
Whisper your noble words, construct your impermanent ideal.
But how, how in the world, do I share it even with my loved ones, let alone the entire world?
Mad. Insane. Deluded. Deviant. That's what they'll say.
That's what you'll say.
So how, I'm screaming, how; to stand above a crowd that doesn't see as far?
Ignorance is kind, soothing, salvalatory. The truth is much harder to withstand.
So how, how, can someone as small as me bare it alone?

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