yin and yang

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Tonight was supposed to be the night of our lives,
But don't let it turn into demise.
So we skipped out on some dresses, dances and lights,
But we still witnessed some pretty fun sights.
And yes, your mom's a pain,
But we're still in the game.
I mean hey, it's me and you,
We can do anything if we want to.
It wasn't spectacular, our birthday affair,
But everything's enjoyable when you're there.
You're not a sister or an other half, you're more,
With you it feels as if my life's an open door.
When I'm down in desperation
You're calm words are my salvation.
And when there's something risky you're about to do,
I'm here to interfere and think it out for you.
What's someone who's there for you 'till the very end?
That's great; but beyond it, now that's a friend.
It took me some significant time
Getting all of this to properly rhyme.
But I thought we needed to mark today,
In a memorable kind of way.
Remember, you can't seperate two forms of art,
Who'd rather die than be apart.
A devil and an angel; a collision inbetween,
A perfect yin and yang, their balance is supreme.
We are lightning, we are toxin, we are roses, we are queens;
Happy birthday my sweet sister and may you have sweet dreams.

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