Chapter two

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( LIttle Red Ridinghood And The Wolf Return)
Chapter two

After hours of baking, cooking, and keeping Damian's slightly furry hands away from all the food, it's finally finished. Ariana smiles as she lays the food at the bottom of the baskets she will be taking to give her grandmother. She hears a low pleading whimper coming from behind her. She knows all to well who and what it is. She turns to see Damian begging wanting to go with her and to also be given some of the extra food that she had wrapped and put in the pantry in the back of the cottage in the cave. She looks at Damian and smiles. She can't resist the adorable look on his face as he pouts. She gives in and gives him a chocolate chip cookie. She giggles as he takes a bite of the soft gooey cookie. He devours the cookie in one bite then licks happily at his chocolate covered fingers.
"Oh Damian your making a mess of yourself" she giggles teasingly as she takes her index finger and wipes some stray chocolate from both corners of his lips. She brings her finger to her lips but Damian snatches it before she can lick the chocolate. He brings her finger tip to his lips and places her finger in his mouth licking and sucking cleaning of the chocolate. She blushes and looks away but his gaze draws her back in and she can't look away from him. He licks away lapping at her fingers until there is no chocolate left.
"The chocolate tastes better on your fingers then in the cookies." She blushes at that and he winks before moving away and grabbing both of the full baskets. A still very much embarrassed and shy Ariana follows not far behind as the two leave heading out to where a single chestnut horse with four white socks and a white blaze down his face from his forehead to the end of his snout. It's mane and tail are a dark brown nearly black. The beautiful horse trots over happily at the sight of the two of them.
"Hey boy! You look happy to see us" Ariana says as she strokes the horses face gentle.
"Hey there Steel" Damian says as he comes behind Ariana and begins stroking the horse Steel's neck.
After a few minutes Damian sets the baskets on the ground and helps Ariana up onto Steels back. He straps the baskets on both sides of the horse and then climbs up behind Ariana. She lets out a happy sigh as she leans back against Damian's chest. He leans down and kisses her head before taking up the reins and giving Steel a light kick on his sides to get him moving. Soon they're going a steady pace of a fast walk. Damian wraps his arm around Ariana's waist as she leans against him slowly beginning to drift off to sleep. He smiles and holds her close letting her rest against him.


Hours Later

Damian steers Steel through the woods on the paths he knows so well. These paths are where he would hide and watch as his beloved Little Red Riding Hood wood skip along through the woods to get to her grandmothers house. He would sometimes come out and ask questions and try to steel her basket. Back then she was around the age of eleven and he was probably around the age of fifteen or sixteen. Back then he only saw her as a good play toy that could give him food. But when she stopped the wood cutter from killing him letting him run away. He began to watch her as she got a little older. And soon he got up his courage to apologize to her. To his astonishment she welcomed him with open arms when he apologized to her. And to also find out she knew he had been watching her for a while. And soon after that they began spending more and more time together and fell in love. And only a few months ago he had finally married his precious Little Red.
Damian felt a soft touch on his cheek bringing him out of his thoughts. He looked down and saw Ariana looking up at him worried. Her long blond waves caressing the out line of her face. Her blue eyes starring up into his gold ones. Her light pink lips slightly parted showing her perfect white teeth.
"Is something wrong Damian?" She asks her voice filled with deep concern. "Your brows are knit together you look like you were thinking really hard about something?"
He smiles he hadn't noticed that his brows had scrunch up. He looks down at her and touches her head stroking it.
"I'm fine. I was only remembering some old memories from a long time ago..." He says and she nods not saying anything else. He looks at her knowing she wants to ask but doesn't want to pry. He smiles and whispers in her ear.
"I was remembering about how we met and what happened afterwards." She looks up at him and smiles blushing. She nods and he laughs at how she's acting.
"Okay.... I thought you were thinking of something troubling you.... But it seams I was mistaken...."
He smiles at how much she cares for him. He holds her tighter reassuring her. She returns the hug and they just keep quiet until they get to her grandmothers cabin.
Damian gets down from Steels back and steers him over to a post and ties him up then turns to Ariana and helps her down. She slides gently into his arms and smiles. He reaches behind her and grabs both baskets without breaking eye contact.
"Let's go" he says taking her hand and leading her to the front door. He knocks and hears a voice saying come in.
They enter and go straight to where Ariana's grandmother is sitting in a comfortable cushion chair by a fire drinking tea from a chipped cup.
She smiles when she sees Damian and Ariana. She had come to like Damian after he had apologized and had even gone so far as to help fix what ever damage he caused to her cabin. She also was fine when he and Ariana had begun to spend more and more time together. And she was over joyed when they had fell in love and married.
"Hello grandmother. How are you feeling?" Ariana says coming over and kneeling beside her chair. Damian set the baskets on a small table and came over to stand beside Ariana. He had taken the time to look nice today when he saw her. He had changed out of his worn trousers and light brown shirt, and into the clothes that Ariana had made him. Which was a new pair of brown trousers a white shirt that had laces at the neck that he let hang loose. He also had on his favorite black boots and his hair was pulled back neatly rather then in a wild untamed fashion that he could pull off.
"We brought you some food that I helped make" he says proudly.
"And I bet just like every other time you hurt yourself while trying to help?" Grandmother said. Damian's ears went down and he blushed shy and embarrassed. Ariana and her grandmother love teasing him and they laugh.
"It wasn't as bad as the last time.... I only cut my palm...." He says and grandmother nods seeing his bandaged hand. He blushes more.
"Oh grandmother I think you've teased Damian enough" Ariana says and smiles as she giggles and gets up and strokes Damian's wolf ears cheering him up.
"Oh alright. I only get to have this much fun when I'm with you too!" She says laughing. "Thank you for taking the time to help her Damian. I'm sure if will taste delicious as always"
Damian smiles and his tail wages happily as Ariana goes and brings back a tray of some of the food she's prepared. There's homemade read, vegetable soup, hard boiled eggs, beef and of course a peace of blueberry pie. She hands the tray to her grandmother who picks up her spoon happily and digs into her food after saying thanks.
"I'm glad she likes it" Ariana says as her grandmother gobbles everything up. Damian nods still blushing.
Soon the foods gone and Ariana takes the tray and Damian stays and plays checkers with grandmother who happens to be winning making him angry because he's trying trying to figure out how she keeps finding ways to block and jump him.
"Grrrrr. No fair"
"You just need to concentrate and keep your eyes out for good moves." Grandmother says and he grumbles but continues playing.
Soon Ariana comes back and sits beside them and watches to see who will win.
In the end grandmother did and it's time to go.
"It was great to see you both again. Come again soon"
"We will goodbye" they say there goodbyes and hurry off before it gets to dark.
They once again mount up and turn to go back down the paths they took to get here.

Hi guys I hope your liking this story so far. Also if your reading my other story "Lucy" I'm working on the next chapter on that as well. I'll have it up as soon as I can.
Please leave a comment and star my story here if you like it!


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