[17] Isn't fair

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 Their lips molded against each other's as they kissed. His lips moved slowly at first, almost hesitant. Cerise reached up and held his hand as it touched her cheek. She stepped closer and that was all the invitation he needed. He wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her flush against him. He bit her lip slightly making her release a small sigh of content. They kissed for the longest time before pulling away breathless. Cerise watched him curiously as he stared back at her, breath heaving.

"Damnit." She whispered before pulling away out of his arms. "Damnit!" She said and spun around, placing a hand on her forehead as if checking to see if she was sick because normal Cerise wouldn't have done that. She would have pushed him away and gut him like a fish. "You can't- You can't just do that!" She shouted at him. He looked at her confused.

"You kissed me back." He said in realization, letting a grin take over his features.


"You kissed me back." He repeated stepping closer. Cerise took a step back, for some reason scared, but not of him exactly. He did something to her. Something about him messed with her head. He placed a hand on her chin and tilted her head upwards, forcing their gazes to connect. "After two years, it's about damned time." He whispered leaning in, but before he could she slapped him across the face with most of her force. The strength launched him to the side and he gripped his cheek in shock.

"Don't you dare." She said menacingly. "I don't want to see you, Colin. I'm trying to keep you safe! If you want to stay alive and kicking you'll stop asking questions about me. Otherwise, the truth will leave you dead." She finalized before turning and walking out the door, leaving Colin in shock.


Colin watched in awe as Cerise slammed the door behind her. He could still feel it. The touch of her lips, the way she palmed his hand. He could still hear that soft sigh she let out. She kissed him back. The grin on his face remained even though his cheek began to grow red and swollen. He palmed his cheek, still surprised at the power and strength behind the blow. What kind of danger could she possibly be in? She was just a girl, and if not a whore house then what? He sighed and sat on the floor, leaning his back against the bed. "What is she doing to me?"


Niklaus sat at the bar with two whores on his arm when Cerise walked in. Her dress from earlier, that made her look like an heiress, was traded for a regular, more simpler dress, though it made her look just as beautiful. The sea of men parted for her as she captured their gazes. She ignored them all and stopped in front of Niklaus. "He kissed me." She let out quickly, making him choke on his drink. He waved the whores away and they glared at Cerise as they left. He pulled her closer, in between his legs. It was normal for them since they've been best friends. Everyone knew how close they were so no one thought anything of it and the men kept staring.

"He what?" He growled in her ear, his breath fanned her skin as his fingers dug into her sides.

"I went over to tell him to back off, and he kissed me." She said as if guiltily.

"And?" He narrowed his eyes, knowing the possibilities.

"I kissed him back." She said quietly, so softly he barely caught it. He closed his mouth and looked away, the mixed emotions overwhelming him. "When we parted I realized what happened and slapped him when he tried again." His body relaxed slightly at her words and he looked back at her. She was telling him, no, confessing to him, as if guiltily. It wasn't fair that all Colin had to do was stalker her for a bit and he got to taste her lips, when Niklaus had been at her side for years and years, at every moment where she was overcome with the guilt that came with the job. Every emotional breakdown, every broken heart. He was there for her. He was tired of it.

"Let's dance." He stood up and grabbed her hand, pulling her with him and keeping her from protesting. The music wasn't as quick as it usually was and was slow enough for a soft dance. He spun her and pulled her flush against him, her back against his chest. He grabbed her hand and brought it to the back of his neck, swaying slightly as he breathed her in.

"Niklaus what are you doing?" She asked quietly after a few seconds. He spun her around and wrapped an arm around her waist.

"It's not fair." He whispered, the close distance between them leaving him slightly breathless.

"What isn't fair?" She asked confused as she wrapped her arms around his neck and continued dancing innocently.

"That he's been allowed to do what I've been wanting to do for years." He said rubbing his thumb over her bottom lips.

"Niklaus..." She mumbled with slight understanding.

"It's not fair." He said before bringing his lips down on hers. 


I know it was more romance and mushy stuff than normal, but I'm trying to show the conflict in between the characters. 

Although love triangles piss me off, I really love Niklaus. And I originally planned to have her and Colin get to gether, you know with the whole Romeo and Juliet complex going on, but I really fucking love Niklaus. 

So I may or may not really play with them.


There will be heartbreak, betrayal, revenge, and murder.


There will be love, and mushy shit along with an annoyingly beautiful love triangle. 

Love you guys!


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