16th Birthday Presents

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"Get out my room Luke, Now!" God he is so annoying. Why is he so annoying? I'm tired and he decides it's a good time to wake me up.

"Come on sis. Let me have a birthday hug!" He says a stupid grin plastered on his stupid face, which is luminated by the light.

"NO! Now get out younger brother!" I shout, using our small age difference as an advantage over him.

"Your only older then me by 15 minutes!" He pouts.

"Exactly younger brother. Now stop being an annoying weirdo and get out my room! It's 1 o'clock in the morning and I need sleep!" I moan, and add a "please" on the end of it to seem nice.

"Okay sister. I love you!" He whispers back. Slowly he walks out my room whilst mumbling 'happy birthday' under his breath.

"Happy birthday Luke!" I say to him.

"Happy birthday sis! See you later! You'll love the present I got you." He says and has finally gone. I can now continue with my precious slumber.

"Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday Luke and Casey. Happy birthday to you!" My mum's soft voice sings to us as we walk down the stairs.

"Thanks mummy!" I said at the same time Luke booms "PRESENTS!"

"Luke don't be so rude! Your 16 now. Act like it!" My mum says sharply, humour still present in her voce.

"Sorry mum." Luke mumbled, looking down at mum with puppy dog eyes.

I decided to break up the touching moment by jumping into Lukes arms, and screeching "Happy birthday bro!" in his ear whilst he spins me around.

"Happy birthday Casey!" Luke shouted back just as loud. After another couple of spins he puts me down. And then we were stood there laughing at each other, my mum getting photos of every moment on her phone.

"So mum." Luke started again "where are our lovely presents and cards? You know because today is a very special day for us."

Mum just laughed and pointed at the living room. "There where they always are!"

We both cheered really loud and ran into the living room like we are a couple of 5 years old. We really need to grow up.
When we get in the living room I can't see because Lukes fat head is in the way. His hair is the same shade of light blonde as mine but his is shorter. We have the same high cheek bones and full lips but other than that we are both different. I've got brown eyes, but he's got a brilliant blue colour. His jaw is spotted with stubble, and is more defined, and he has a bigger nose then me by far.

"Come on sis!! Let's open our presesnts." His voice is full of joy and his mouth is in a full smile.

"Okay, okay. Let's go!" My voice sounded giddy. Once he moved his head I saw we each had a few presents, and a huge stack of cards. Naturally, my presents were mainly pinks and purples whilst Lukes were blue.

I felt my mouth ache with how much I was smiling. My mum came behind me and softly said, " I know it's not much, but you still have your aunties presents and your grandads.
I turned around to her, "This is perfect mummy. Don't worry! Where Paul?" I ask.

Paul is mums new boyfriend. I think it's really serious and she seems happy. I also think he's really good for Luke and me, it feels nice to have the farther figure.

"I'm glad you like it! And he has just gone out! Now open your presents."
That's what I do. I open the biggest first. The tag says it's off mum. It's a make-up bag from Mac including foundation and the most beautiful eyeshadow pallet. Next is a small present of my best friend Lacey- it's a nomination charm for my bracelet, with the Eiffel Tower on it. She also got me some of my new Taylor Swift perfume because I've been complaining that it ran out.
Other presents involve some chocolate from Mrs Smithson from next door, a snowglove with a elephant in it from my friend Oliver, I also get some clothes, more chocolate and whole of smelies, and bath bombs from Lush.

"And my little brother. What did you get me for my birthday?" I ask whilst smiling sweetly at me.

"I could ask the same thing twin sister. What did you get me?" He says with the boysish smirk in his face.

I shoved a shoe box in his hand, wrapped in princess paper. He opened them to some Nike shoes I know he wanted. He look confused so I started rambling, "they are the right colour, right? If you don't like them I can alway take them back, no problem...."

"Shut up sister. I was just surprises to see you got the right ones!" He sounded suprised. "And here is my gift to you."

Handing me a small box with shining silver paper over it. I opened the paper to see Pandora labeled over a white box. I opened the box and came face to face with a siiver ring with my birthstone encased on top. An emerald, as I was born in May.

"I was talking to Lacey and she told me what size song to get, so hopefully it will fit!"

I put it on my finger and let out a mini screech. "Thanks bro! Now let's open cards!"

All in all we got £435 from the cards between us. I'm a very lucky person of I must say so myself. Then my mum walks in and hands us both an envelope, both slightly an off colour white, like they've been left for a long time.

"I suggest you both go into your rooms to open these." Mum whispers, she sounds like she's on the verge of crying.

"Why? What's in them?" Luke asks.

"You'll see just go." Mum replied quitely, and left the room. We both states, dumbfounded at her retreating figure.


My hands are shaking as a re-read the letter again.

Dear Casey,
If your reading this it means the worst has happened. I probably, I hope I seem like a distant memory, and that is for the best. And it would have been a long, long time.
I just want you to know, my little princess, that I miss you very, very much. I have missed your little smile and seeing how tell you are. I have missed your tantrums thrown by you and your brother. I'll have missed telling you off.
Please Casey know that I have always been looking out from you, in the sky. I will always be here to talk to if you ever want to talk. I have been with you through everything.
I have been proud to know you, you are a credit to me and mummy.
Make sure to rember: in everything you do. Never stop being who you truly are, and you will always had the best in life.
Look after your mum and you brother for me.
Love you to the stars and back.

My eyes have teirs in them, and that are begin to leak to my cheeks. But I don't care, my daddy has written me a message. One that is just for me.

I miss you daddy. I will try my best in everything. Me and Luke have looked after mum for you, just like you asked.

I sit there in my room, crying for what seems like forever.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2017 ⏰

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