Chapter 6

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     On her second to last afternoon in Italy, Victoria had eaten a flavorful Venetian dish: Fegato alla Veneziana - a helping of thinly sliced veal liver sautéed with onions, accompanied by a glass of Montepulciano d'Abruzzo vino from the Peligna Valley.

Afterward she walked along the small promenade near her hotel, window shopping for Italian trinkets and symbols of the country's heritage. She was amazed how much more beautiful Italy had become since her arrival. Of course, she knew why.

It was now three in the afternoon and she was napping in her room when the phone rang. She picked up the phone to hear the desk clerk notifying her that there was a man at the lobby to pick her up.

"Once again, my apologies for the interruption, but he said that you were expecting him, Ms. Lafelle."

Victoria thanked him and hung up the phone.

She was not usually one for midday naps, yet she found the brief reclusive recharge favorable. Down the elevator she went, tingling with the anticipation of seeing Mateo again.

As Victoria stepped out of the elevator, she eagerly looked about the lobby. Her lips broke into a smile when she heard a familiar voice behind her.

"Are you ready to spend the afternoon with me?" Mateo asked with his usual quiet but charming voice.

She tilted her head back and laughed.

"Sure. I'm up for anything," Victoria replied with a saucy grin.

Victoria was not a woman of spontaneity. She was educated to be a professional analyst, a rational woman. Therefore she felt safest by things or events she could comprehend in the most complete manner. But ever since she met Mateo, Victoria knew that she had come to enjoy moments of impulsiveness!

"Great! Here's your helmet. Hop on, I'm taking you shopping."

"Okay." Victoria playfully narrowed her eyes and asked, "For what?"

"You'll see," continued Mateo. With the crack of his wrist, the old Ducati whizzed them down the road.

As they made their way through the narrow streets, Victoria examined her surroundings. She noticed that Mateo had taken her to some sort of downtown fashion district. Stores tightly lined both sides of the main road, divided by a beautiful island garden. Tourists and citizens alike sat on benches and drank beverages, soaking up the afternoon sun.

He parked his bike just off the crowded road. As she followed her man down the sidewalk, she took in the resplendence of the many richly colored shops and buildings. All which proudly displayed their product in dramatically lit niches.

Finally Mateo led Victoria into a clothing store. A female employee greeted them and asked if they needed any assistance.

"Yes. The young lady here will need a dress for our date tonight. We're going dancing."

"Dancing?" Victoria asked with a nervous smile. "I don't dance."

Mateo chuckled. "With that tone, I think I've misjudged you, Victoria."

She looked at him with slight disgust.

"Do you know how many things I didn't know how to do, then set out to learn, only to succeed? If you have faith, you'll dance tonight."

He turned to the employee and elaborated on his request. "A knee length that red one, with the halter top. It won't constrict her movement. Do you like that one?" he asked, pointing to the fiery red dress on the wall.

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