A Job Opening at Stark Enterprises

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As 20 year old Destiny Isaacs passed by Stark Enterprises on her morning run, a bright yellow flyer on the door caught her eye.

          Need a job?
  Have good technical skills?
    Come and apply at Stark
We are currently looking for
  a new technical assistant
      for Mr Tony Stark
  Think you got what it takes?
      Come apply today!

"No way!" She gasped. This was her dream job. And today was the first day in history that Stark Enterprises was hiring! She ran inside. Good thing she carries one extra resume with her in all her coat pockets.
As Tony Stark looked over her resume, he was astounded by her skills and references. She had fixed many super computers, including the one at the New York Power Plant. And she had never been to tech school!

"Well you have very many of the qualifications for the job." He said as she blushed. He rubbed his chin. "You're hired!" He said, holding out his hand for her to shake.

As Destiny squealed, she got up and shook his hand. "Oh thank you Mr.Stark!" She said, smiling wide. "You won't regret this. I promise to be a most efficient assistant." She said as she nodded and left the room. As she turned out the door and celebrated to herself, Tony could tell she was right. There was something definitely special about her. He could just feel it.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2016 ⏰

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