Chapter One.

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“Your making this so god damn hard for me, Veronica!” he shouted as he kicked a rock nearby, making it drop into the river underneath the tall bridge we were standing on.

“But what did I do!?” I shouted out at him, the tears flowing faster as they rolled down my cheeks. He looked at me, running his fingers through his hair then pulling at it lightly before he shouted out at me again.

“You didn’t do anything!” he shouted, but before he could continue his own sentence I interrupted him, once again. I didn’t want to loose him. At all.

“Why are you breaking up with me then!?” I shouted back at him, the cold breeze blowing on my face, my side fringe sweeping across my face causing my bright blue eye to get covered.

He looked at me, then opened his lips to say something but he didn’t. I stood there, my throat hurting me as I tried to fight back the tears. I completely failed at it, just like I failed at life. Big time.

He stepped closer to me, then reached up and stroked my cheek gently. I whimpered lightly, not liking it when he was angry or upset. My tears continued to flow, rolling down my cheek one by one.

“Its better if we don’t date anymore, Veronica.” He whispered as he pulled his hand back from my cheek gently.

“Please don’t...” I whispered in-between my tears, thinking that he was going to leave me forever. He gently placed his finger on my lips, gesturing for me to be quiet.

“We can still be friends. I promise.” He said softly, his voice calmed me down so much.

I felt myself nod slightly; the tears stopped flowing as one last tear rolled down my cheek. He didn’t hesitate this time as he leaned forward, and kissed the tear away.

I closed my eyes gently as I listened to him breathing softly close to my ear before he whispered into my ear gently.

“Lets get you home now, eh?” he said as he pulled back and put his arm around my waist, then started walking with me down the park path slowly.

It was dark, almost midnight actually. I got a text from him an hour ago, telling me to meet him here. Of course, I thought it was going to be some kind of romantic picnic, but it wasn’t.

I rested my head on his arm as we walked back to my house slowly, the streets were dark and the bright orange light coming from the streetlamp above us was flickering. I didn’t like it like this. I didn’t like the dark.

He kissed the side of my head lightly, and this made me feel like everything was going to be alright.

We finally stopped walking as we reached my house gates. I wanted to tell him to come in and stay for the night, but I knew that my mom wouldn’t approve. Never in a hundred years would she let me.

“I guess I’ll see you tomorrow” he spoke softly, and just as I tiptoed up to kiss him he hesistaed and pulled back lightly.

“Sorry..I forgot.” I said quietly as he ruffled my hair, causing me to smile lightly.

“S’alright” he said as he finished messing my hair up, pulling his hands back and shoving them into his hoodie pockets.

Just friends. Me and him are just friends. No more kissing.

I opened my lips to say something, but before I could he interrupted me to dismiss our conversation for tonight.

“Goodnight, Veronica.” He whispered close to my ear before pulling back, waiting for my reply. I had to think of something to say back, but in the end my reply was dull.

“Goodnight, Stephen.”

He smiled, showing his perfect white teeth before turning around and walking down the street, heading to his house. I watched him go into the darkness, and I couldn’t help but think…what if he is walking out of my life completely?

I shook my head to myself as I pushed open the house gates and walked down my path, hoping my mom wouldn’t be too mad at me.

I was supposed to be back half an…

“Veronica Smith!” my mom’s voice shouted from towards me, I looked up at her and mouthed what she was going to say next. “You were supposed to be back in..”

“Half an hour” I said as she glared at me, clearly not happy at all.

“Get in!” she shouted, causing the gang nearby to watch and snigger at me, why did my mom have to embarrass me all the time?

“Look at the state of you” she said as she looked me up and down, I thanked the Lord that she didn’t realise I was crying. Otherwise, it would be another mom-daughter talk again. God, that lasted forever.

“Go upstairs.” She said as she pointed to the stairs, not giving me any eye contact what so ever. My mom can be a total bitch at times.

I slumped my bag down in the middle of the hall way, then kicked my shoes off and started to make my way upstairs before stopping. I shouldn’t of went to see Stephen in the first place, I knew my mom would be worried. She has been so..cautious about me ever since my dad was murdered last month.

I turned around half way up the stairs and looked at her, she was looking at me too.

“I’m sorry mom.” I whispered before turning round and continuing my way upstairs. After getting changed and ready for bed, I jumped in and closed my eyes tightly.

I could tell already this was going to take a while for me to fall asleep.


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