(3) well ..

221 6 2

Date : June 22, 2016

Where : East Brook Mall

Time : 2:14 pm 

Bianca's P.O.V ;

It's been two days since i've spoken to Chresanto . At this point I don't even know if I want to get back together with him . This was the third time he's cheated on me and i'm tired of his shit . So I had to get out the house to get all this off my mind . My best friend Essence decided to take me out to the mall . Essence is one year older then me , she's eight-teen and she strips at Showgirls Strip Club . Yea I know what you're thinking "What the hell? She's eight-teen working at strip club?!" Well . It's not what you think . She's just trying to raise up money to help her mother with the bills and other stuff . 

"So what you gonna do about Chresanto?" Essence said rolling her eyes . She hated Chresanto with a passion, but it's all funny to me .

"I really don't know Essence .." I said irritated . "I thought you said you'll take out  to clear my mind about all this shit . But instead of you letting me clear my mind you keep bringing the shit up!"

"Well i'm sorry . Damn , I just want to know but since it's a big problem I won't ask again.." She said making a stank face . I hated that ugly ass face she makes . She looks like the temple run monkey everytime she does it .

"Sorry girl .." I said relaxing my sholders a little bit "I'm just stressed and tired of him treating me like a dog or some shit . Am I really that bad of a person Essence? I gave this boy my heart and all he does is run over it like a animal in the road !"

"Bee , i'm not saying this cause I don't like Chresanto I'm saying this cause I care about you . You don't need Chresanto bitch ass . If you feel like he's treating you like shit then leave his ass ! I'm tired seeing you upset over the stuff he does to you . I knew from the start that he was no good , I knew it!" She explained while walking into the bathroom to freshen up .

While I walked in the bathroom I was thinking about what Essence just said to me . I think she's right . I do need to let Chresanto go .. 

Where : Ray's house

Time : 3:09 pm 

Chresanto's P.O.V

"Bruh . You need to let that assuming bitch go" Ray said while laughing hard

"Ray this shit ain't funny !" I said yelling at him . "Damn .. You think every fucking thing is funny"

"It's not our fault that you didn't cut down your porn videos!" Prod said laughing also "Now Bianca think you fucking other bitches while you on the phone with her" He said . Him and Ray were cracking up on what I told them about when Bianca let me go . 

I didn't think none of shit was funny but these niggas laughing like this love shit is a joke when it's really not 

"YO SHUT THE FUCK UP!" I said shutting both of them up. I had enough of them laughing like this was a game . "THIS IS WHY I DON'T TELL YA'LL SHIT CAUSE YA'LL THINK EVERY MOTHAFUCKING THING IS FUNNY!" As I looked at both of them I noticed Ray was smirking getting ready to laugh

"Nigga get that damn smirk off yo face" I said punching him dead in his face . He was that person who thought every fucking thing was funny . He got up acting like he was bout to pull a move on me 

"Oh so you think you bout to hit me back? Nigga sit cho-" Before I could even finish the sentence he punched me right in my jaw making me fall of the ground . Before he could get on top of me , I put my knee up making his stomach hit my knee . After that I got on top of him punching him repeatedly in the face making his lip bust . While I was doing that I felt Prod trying to pull me off of Ray . I finally decided to get up .

"I'm sorry you had to see that man but that nigga was testing me ..." I apoligized and went to my car . 

When I got in my car I decided to call

Bianca .

I took my Iphone out clicked on bianca's contact name and her number . I held the phone up to my ear and began to hear the rings .

Ring ..

Ring .. 

Ring ..

Ring .. 

Ring ..

"Heyyy ! It's Bianca and I can't get to the phone right now or i'm just with my baby Chresanto! But leave a message if you like if not .. That's fine too ! byyeeee!" I listened to her voicemail and chuckled at it . I gave her the idea to put me in her voicemail . I will never forget that day ..


"Bae , yo voicemail wack as hell ." I said joking with her . We were at my house at the time .

"How is it wack ? It's a voicemail!" She said with her wanna be high pitch voice 

"It's wack cause my name not in it" I said looking at her with a smirk

"Wow . you really want to be in my voicemail?" She asked concerned while taking out her phone putting in her voicemail password

"Yea .. Sure" I smiled 

"iight . I gotchu baby" She said with her sexy voice while pressing 1 on her phone . After she did that she started setting up her new voicemail . "Heyyy ! It's Bianca and I can't get to the phone right now or i'm just with my baby Chresanto! But leave a message if you like if not .. That's fine too ! byyeeee!"  Once she finished saying all of that she pressed pound (#) Then hung up . 

"Happy now?" She giggled . Her giggle was the cutest .

"Yea , now your voicemail is trill" I pecked her on her lips as she smiled big 


As I was thinking of that moment with Bianca I started thinking about how much I wanted her back ..

See I told ya'll the story will get better ! Lol . What do you think Bianca should do ? Go back with Chresanto or leave him for good?

VOTE AND COMMENT ! (mostly comment ! I like know what ya'll think of the chapters)

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