Chapter 3: A Truthful Demise

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It's been two years since Frisk had fallen into the hole. Every new day meant another murder. The bottom of Mount. Ebott has been dreadfully quiet, ever since Frisk, who was now nicknamed "Chara" by a certain flower, that vaguely remembered it's haunting memories, thinking that Frisk was actually another person, named Chara. Frisk named the disturbing voice in her head Chara after that. Frisk camped out in various places, for two whole years. Today was the day, that Frisk would murder the last monster, and escape this hell.

"Let's see. I've invited... Toriel... Papyrus, oh, and her too.. And him......." Frisk's mental list lasted so long, but there was one name that wasn't on there.

"Hmm... Now who did I forget to invite to the party in Hell?.... Oh my goodness! There can't be a party without a comedian!" Frisk remembered that she forgot to murder Sans.

Meanwhile, Not far away, Sans watched Frisk realize, that she needed to kill him. Yes, Sans watched Frisk for two years, trying to see if his brother's Words were true. Sans could feel tears well up, deep inside him. This is it. This was the day, Sans was going to find out what haunts Frisk's mind.

Sans sprawled out from the overgrowth, where he was concealing himself, and latched onto Frisk. Sans snapped his fingers, and everything went black, for both Frisk, and Sans.

Sans and Frisk appeared face to face, in a gleaming corridor. Giant windows, patterned with regal designs, lined the golden walls. The place was so bright, that Frisk couldn't see Sans already lunging at her with slender bones in his hands. His right pupil was flickering blue.

"I'm not going to play fair, just like you, kiddo," Sans said. Then, suddenly, Sans flung up his left arm, and Frisk's body started levitating. Sans moved his arm in rapid sequences, causing Frisk to repetitively collide into the walls and ceiling. Dust from the collisions flew everywhere, making it hard for both of them to breathe, and see. Sans never let Frisk have a turn to attack. But finally, Frisk was on the brink of dying, and Frisk signaled Sans to stop. Sans paused mid-attack and let Frisk fall with a thud.

"Since I stopped, you're gonna have to tell me what's the cause of all of this," Sans muttered.

Frisk thrusted her hands over her head. Her pupils became slits, and her eyes grew wide. She kept her gaze to the ground while licking some blood trickling off her lip.

"I-I never wanted to do any of this. I only murdered because... B-because..."

"Because what? Do you have a stuttering problem, kid?" Sans interrupted.

"Because I hate monsters, and... I... despise h-humanity...and ... e-everything is dreadful..."

Frisk's soul bursted out of her body. It was empty. There wasn't any color. Frisk suddenly had a flashback.

"I accidentally killed someone once. I don't know how, or why. But I killed them. All I can remember is a sinister voice, telling me to kill them. My parents threw me out, because of it. They adopted children, to forget, and replace me. I was sentenced to execution, but I fortunately escaped. The village of Mount. Ebott chased me, as I hid in the forests of the mountains, for years. Each day I would have to depend on luck to survive. I came down here, and.... Ugh... I just want a home so badly."

"I dunno, kid. You don't have good excuses, tibia  honest. I know what's really going on." Sans scoffed. Sans batted the empty, floating soul, allowing it to wobble in the air.

"Odd. Usually, there's weird soul essence inside it. Yours should be red since you are the eighth human. It would only make sense. You would complete the rainbow of souls, and give your captor infinite power over your "resetting" ability." Sans said, shrugging. Sans noticed Frisk trembling, as his gaze filled with sorrow.

"I've dealt with lots of demons from other timelines. They're easy to get rid of, but it comes with a big cost. The demon you are dealing with is Chara. She's a mind controlling demon. You probably switched places with her, or something. Since you are so somber right now, your soul couldn't handle it, and flew out of your body, revealing the imprisoned soul, which is you. Frisk, not Chara. Yeah, It's confusing.."

"How do you know so much about Chara?"

"I learned it from a stupid science dude. He was really stupid. No need to get into details" Sans shifted his gaze to the ground, grimacing.

"Alright, what's the cost?"

Sans sighed.

"The truth is, I've been cursed by that scientist, to stay stuck with the eighth soul, forever, no matter how many times you die, there's always another timeline. This could be the four-hundredth time I've met you, kid. Sometimes Chara isn't with you for some reason, and some timelines, she is. No matter what, I will always have to suffer the repetitive deaths, of everyone, including me. Let's make a deal. I'll extract the demon if you give me your soul, so we can turn over a new leaf. With your soul, I'll reset this timeline, and you can change your whole life, from the beginning"


Sans carries the weight of many more burdens than me....

"So you have to kill my mortal self, to kill the demon?"

"Yup, it's the only way. Sorry kid....I hope you stumble back here and meet me again. It's likely that you'll forget me, but I probably won't forget you."

Frisk knew what was going to happen, but she was so grateful, that at least someone in the universe cared.

"Thank you so much."

Frisk let Sans seize her body. A bone materialized in Sans hand as he struck it in Frisk's chest. Frisk was as dead as a rock. Sans watched the demon wail, as she got sucked up into the light. Sans grabbed the floating soul, as it filled up with red essence. Sans smiled wearily, as he crushed the heart, splattering red liquid everywhere. The whole world around him warped into rainbow colors, then black.

Thanks, Frisk.


UNDERTALE: A Corrupted Reprisal by Kawaiiarie - #twistfatechallengeWhere stories live. Discover now