Chapter II

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Hajime knew Oikawa would be the type to want to be the best. They grew up together, of course he would foresee this. He just didn't know it would get this bad.

The brunette had already been thin, but he started skipped meals just to practice. He ate breakfast, maybe a protein bar as an afternoon meal, but other than that he focused only on the volleyball in his hands and the net in front of him. Hajime worried incessantly, although he indulged Oikawa more often than not, practicing with him until the stars were out and they had to get sleep for the next day's workout.

Every day, Oikawa worked himself to the bone, and Hajime couldn't stand watching it.

By the end of their second year, he had proven that he was the best choice for captain the next year. Hajime knew, just knew, that if he did become captain, he would end up going too far. He would hurt himself and then he wouldn't be able to play ever again. Hajime knew Oikawa loved volleyball more than anything, but if this went on for much longer, he would lose it.

Their third year came, and Hajime knew Kageyama Tobio meant trouble the minute Oikawa saw him and his jaw clenched in a fake smile, his honey-brown eyes narrowing as the first year introduced himself formally.

Oikawa's eyes, which Hajime stared at more than he really should, were a mystical colour. They could be described as a deep golden sometimes, or a milky chocolate brown, and either way they were the most beautiful things Hajime had ever seen. Many people said that about their soulmates, and he knew that it was probably true to them. Of course the first thing you see in colour will strike you as perfect.

His eyes and his hair and his pale hands and his full pink lips were all perfect.

Hajime had known this since their first meeting when they were just five. He had been confused, immediately rejecting the idea that his soulmate could be a boy, but then grew to accept and even love the fact that Oikawa was who he was meant to be with over the years. Maybe he had even come to love Oikawa himself.

That remained to be seen, however, as Hajime had to focus on keeping the team in line. Just as he had suspected, Oikawa loathed Kageyama, although he wouldn't show it outwardly during practice. Hajime only knew because of the way he vented about it on their way home and as they lay on his bed trying to finish homework.

"Tobio-chan thinks he's so good! He just loves bothering me, doesn't he? Everyone just knows he's so full of natural talent!! Ooh, how special!"

Oikawa was jealous.

Hajime watched as his best friend overworked, overexerted himself, just to be better than a small first year. He didn't eat like he should and he never stopped to rest for longer than a few hours at night, up bright and early to work some more before morning practice with the team. Hajime watched as he spiralled into a routine of bitter setting and running and stumbling and cursing and tears of frustration only showing when he thought he was alone. He was in a fevered state. To 'be the best' was the only thing that seemed to be driving him.

He had grown so much, and now he was in danger of wasting it all.

It was chilly that evening, and Hajime noticed that the moon was coming out earlier than usual, as he walked into the gym holding a water bottle for Oikawa, who had insisted on practicing alone for a bit. He glanced up and spotted the captain looking down at Kageyama, who seemed to be saying something, on the other side of the net. As soon as Kageyama finished speaking, Hajime spotted the familiar clench of Oikawa's jaw and the stiffening of his fists.

Oh god.

He dropped the water bottle and sprinted over, hoping he could stop the other's hand before he hurt the underclassman.

"Shittykawa!" he muttered under his breath as his hand shot up and stopped Oikawa from going any further. They toppled over, Kageyama looking surprised from above them, Oikawa looking shocked. Hajime hauled Oikawa to his feet and looked in his eyes. Those gorgeous eyes. Those eyes that widened in realization of what he had almost done.

There was a stretch of silence, of those eyes going through a mix of emotions before a single whisper escaped his lips.

"... Sorry."

They walked home earlier than planned, after Hajime yelled for what felt like hours. The look on Oikawa's face had almost broken his heart, but he had to get it through his thick skull that overworking by himself and turning on teammates wasn't going to win him anything.

The whole way to his house, Oikawa gripped Hajime's hand like a lifeline. Hajime found he didn't mind, even though they hadn't held hands since the third grade. He revelled in the moment while it lasted.

The next day was hard for both of them. Lunch was quiet, Oikawa's usual childishness absent. Hajime risked looking over at him, finding that he met a steady gaze. He let himself hope that maybe Oikawa was caught up in his colours.

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