Bonus Chapter

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Tobio had never expected to find his soulmate. All that really mattered to him was volleyball; he had no time for 'love' or whatever. So when The Thing happened, it was unprecedented and unwanted.

They were up against Yukigaoka, and Tobio already knew Kitagawa Daiichi was going to win. Their 'team' was absolutely pitiful, all short and skinny and not powerful at all. It was all Tobio could do to hold back a sneer, especially as he ran into the smallest one in the bathroom. What a sorry excuse for a volleyball player, he couldn't possibly-

And then It happened.

As he met the boy's eyes, filled with something akin to fear, colour fizzled into existence.

It was sudden, and stopped almost as soon as it had appeared, but there was no doubt that Tobio had just seen colour. A small burst of it, like a fire reaching its peak and flickering out. The walls were a dull beige and his uniform was dark blue and the boy's eyes-

Oh god, the boy's eyes. Brown, but like the setting sun, gold and orange flecks decorating them, amber lights flashing, making him almost regretful when the colour wasn't there anymore.

The entire game, he kept that boy in his sights, wondering why he had seen colour (with this failure of all people), and why it had disappeared.

The game was unremarkable. Tobio was beginning to lose hope, thinking that maybe he had imagined the burst of beauty.

 Until the jump. The boy jumped high, his calves working to defy gravity, the measly muscles in his thin arms pumping to hit the ball with all his might. Tobio was, although he wouldn't admit it, stunned.

And that was when the small spark was ignited. The spark that grew into a roaring bonfire. He wanted to win against this little player, this kid who had so unexpectedly caught his interest.

In a manner of speaking, he did win against him that day. But he wanted more. He wanted to win and win and win again, stroking the fire until it consumed him, until he was satisfied.

He left that day with the boy's name on the tip of his tongue.

Hinata Shouyou.

Matters became a little more complicated his first day of practice at Karasuno High School, when the door rattled open and that curly hair and those bright eyes and that irresistible smile bounced into the gym, stopping only when he saw Tobio.

"What are you doing here?"

And Tobio noted, with disdain but also a strange fascination, that he could now see that Hinata's hair was orange and his arms were covered in red and blue band-aids. 

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