Chapter 24 - Kidnapped

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"Hey baby" is the first thing I hear in the morning. I turn over in bed so that I'm facing Ryder. "Your attempt at being seductive sucks," I tell him as I get out of bed. He says, "I take offense to that, Cupcake." I roll my eyes and rummage in my drawer. Finally I settle on a T-shirt and jeans. I pick them up, along with my bra and panties, and walk to the bathroom. Ryder calls after me, "You could change out here, you know!" "Fat chance!" I yell back as I shut the door behind me.

When I come out, Ryder gives a wolf whistle. "I could so bang you right now." I roll my eyes at him. He catches me by the waist and hoists me back so I'm lying on top of him in bed. I turn around so I'm facing him.  He looks into my eyes  we kiss.

His hands dart back to grab my hips, and I bury my hands in his hair as the kiss deepens. Our tongues battle for dominance. He wins, obviously. He bites my bottom lip, and I let out a moan. He sucks on my tongue and all I can think about is us. No more creepy messages, no more Daddy joining the wild crowd, no more anything. Ryder moves down to my neck, sucking on my weak spot. I moan, and I can feel him smirk through his lips. Arrogant jackass. So, this time, I make a move and lean forward to bite his bottom lip. I can tell he wants to moan, but he doesn't. So I move to his neck and suck on it slowly, creating a hickey the size of Africa. He moans loudly, and this time I'm the one smirking. 

We hear muffled moaning from the other room, so I know Mia and Drake must be at it again. But wait? There's more. More noise! And it's coming from....the other cabin? Muffled moaning. I hear somebody breathe "Ethan," and I smile against Ryder's lips. Amber and Ethan must be having a make out session. The thought that she's totally moved on excites me. But wow, is EVERYBODY spending their morning making out today?

Ryder slips his hands under my shirt. He feels around my chest, and I lean into him to give him more access. I put my hands under his shirt, too, feeling his rock hard abs. I slowly begin to slide the shirt over his head, knowing he won't mind. He does the same to me, and I let him. I moan loudly as he kisses my neck hard. He smiles and tosses our shirts aside with his free hand. I lay against him, and we're so close my lips are practically smashed against his neck. His hands slip inside my bra, feeling around. They hesitate at the clip. I give a slight nod, so he unclips my bra and tosses it away. He kicks off his pants and I have a moment of panic before I relax and continue making out with him. Meanwhile, he's kissing and sucking my breasts, which feels better than I can even describe. It's wonderful.





"Do it?"

I hesitate for only a second before I breathe out, "Yes."

We unbuckles my belt and begins to slide my jeans off. When they're on the floor, he hesitates. His hands stop at my underwear band, asking for permission. I give a slight nod, and from there on, we just go the course nature takes us.

A/N: You perverted peeps! You thought I was going to go into detail, didn't you? Muahahahaha


After we had sex, Ryder let me borrow his car so I could go to the post office again. When I pull up,  I only have one letter. It's another anonymous one. Heart pounding, I rip it open without hesitation. Inside is a single sheet of paper with these typed words on it: Beware. The time has come for me to take what I want from you.

My hands shake as I read the mysterious message over and over. Who the hell is sending me these? Whoever it is is making me fucking scared! Just as I'm thinking this, a man in a black hoodie with a mask over his face walks toward me. I back away. He runs forward and grabs my arm to stop me from fleeing. He holds a washcloth under my nose, and within seconds, I fall into the pit of unconsciousness.


When I wake up, I'm in a cold, dark room with no windows. I try to get up, only to realize that my wrists and legs are bound to the chair I'm sitting in. Slowly, I regain my memory of what happened. As reality begins to sink in, I start to panic. I was...kidnapped!

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