Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Sadie's POV

I was sitting on the couch waiting for Tara to get off the phone with Keith. I looked down at my scarred wrist and thought 'bout how I thought it was the only way to feel pain, but it's really not, and I know that now. These scars are never gonna go away, ever. I'm not proud of them, and I wish I could take it back. I wonder if Keith will disapprove of me 'cause of them. I sure hope not. My thoughts were interrupted by Tara hangin' up the phone.

"We're goin' there tonight so go pack your stuff," Tara said coming to sit next to me.

"What?" I said dumbfounded.

"Keith said to take you to Tulsa and you can stay there as long as you want," She explained. We lived in New York so it was a couple hours to get there, so I guess we're leaving tonight to get there tomorrow.

"Ok, I'll go pack and then we can leave," I jumped up and ran out the door, to the car. All my stuff was still at the last foster house so we had to go there to get it. The man there was in jail so I didn't have to worry about him, and I'm not sure about the woman.

The car ride was quiet since it was just me there, Tara needed to pack her own things for the ride and tell her husband. Maybe he'll come with us, I sure hope he does, he's pretty awesome if you ask me. I soon got to the house that made me cry myself to sleep. I took a deep breath before walking up the front porch and into the house.

It was silent in there and that told me no one was home, thank god. It took about an hour to get everything together, even though I only had clothes. I ended up taking a shower and getting ready over there.

After my shower I put on my black skinny jeans, a white tank top, and a leather jacket over it with my black converse. I left my hair down and straightened it and teased the top alittle. The only makeup I put on was eyeliner and mascara, I don't really like the look of the other greasers that cake there faces in makeup.

Then I was ready to leave. I grabbed the two duffle bags full of my clothes throw them in the back and made my way back. I blasted the radio and sang along to every Elvis, and Beatles song that played. Man, I really love them, I would die if I ever met them.

When I pulled up in front of Tara's house her and her husband, Tony, were standing on the front porch with a bag with them.

"Oh good, you're back, we can leave now," Tara said grabbing the bad and walking down the stairs.

"Ok, let's go," I got of the front an into the back seat, while Tony got in the driver seat and Tara got in the passenger seat.

"So we were thinking that we all would take turns driving since its about a 22 hour drive. I'll go first and we all will drive for about 8 hours," Tony said turning to look at me. My eyes widened, 8 fucking hours, how will I manage?

"All at once?" I asked.

"No. You can stop whenever you want," Tony explained while pullin out of the driveway and headed for the freeway.

We drove for about an hour before anyone spoke, it was just the radio playing.

"Sadie, I still can't understand why you would ruin your beautiful blonde hair with that blue," Tara said recurring to the blue streaks on the front of my hair.

It didn't look bad she just didn't like it. She thought that's why I was always getting arrested but in reality I was just getting myself in trouble hanging with the wrong crowd of greasers.

"It don't look bad. I like it," I said back.

"Of course you do, or else you wouldn't have done it."

"Honey, she's a teenager, and that is the least trouble she's been in," Tony said sticking up for me.

"Thank you, Tony," I smiled at him throw the mirror.

"Yep. But you'd stay out of trouble if you got new friends. And also if you would stop hanging 'round that Dallas guy, everytime he came to town," Tony scowled at me.

Dallas was a greaser like me, always getting in trouble and stuff. I don't know his last name or where he lives, 'cause we decided e didn't need to know that 'bout each other and we liked it that way. But everytime he comes to New York we'd go get into trouble and get arrested. But most if the time Dally takes the blame for me and I get off with a warning.

"Dally ain't that bad," I defended and both Tony and Tara gave me there 'are you kinding look'. I just sank back into my seat.

The concersation stopped after that and we drove in silence once again. A couple hours passed and it was lunch time and I was starving since I didn't eat before we left. We pulled off the freeway and stopped at a Dairy Queen for lunch. We sat in a booth, me on one side and Tony and Tara on the other. We all just ordered a coke with a cheese buarger.

"So you excited to meet your brother?" Tara asked after we got our food and drinks.

"Yeah. But what if he don't like me. What if he disapproves of me ' use of my past. Like being arrested and the other stuff that happen at the place I just left and stuff like that," I said liking down at my fries.

"If he do then he ain't worth your time," Tony said bluntly.

"Tony's right. If he don't accept you and your past we will take you back with us," Tara said reaching over the table to touch my arm. I just nodded and ate my food. After a minute of silence I spoke up.

"What if he don't like me 'cause of my scars?"

"Then he ain't worth it ok?" Tony said again and I nodded.

After we finished eating Tony paid the bill and we were off on the road again, but this time Tara was driving. The car ride was quiet, other than Tony and Tara talking here and there, and the radio was playing lowly. It was starting to get dark and I'm not sure how much longer before we stopped at a hotel, 'cause there was no way in hell I would be driving tonight, it just ain't happening.

"'Eh Sadie, you wanna drive the ought the night or stop and stay at a hotel?" Tony asked from the front seat.

"Let's stop at a hotel, 'cause I don't think I can drive through the night," I said back.

"Ok. It's about 9 now we'll just drive for another hour or so," Tara said.


The hour seemed to pass by quickly and soon enough we were at the hotel laying down. The last thing I thought of was what kind if day I will have with Keith.

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