Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

*Two Bit's POV*

When Sadie brought in her, thick, file I was taken back. Are they supposed to be that big? By the look on Darry's face I would take that as a no.

"Ok so this is Sadie's file, I know it's huge but the girls been through hell and back," Tara said as we sat at the kitchen table.

"What does that mean?" I ask.

"So usually foster kids her age go to about 12 foster home per year, give or take a few, but Sadie has been to over 20 houses since 3 years ago. And not a lot of pleasent things have happened," Tara explains alittle more. I look at her to explain more.

"It's kinda hard to talk about and it all in the file," Tony cut in pushing her file toward me and Darry. I opened the file and me and Darry both took something to read. Mine read:

Name: Melody Sadie Jackson

Insedent: Foster dad raped her and abused

Date in: Jan, 18 1963

Date out: Jan, 18 1964

Others Coments:

Melody Sadie Jackson was found laying naked on the foster dads bed with new bruises covering her lower reiagn. She couldn't walk for the rest if the week on her own. It all start a month after she arrived at the foster home.

When I was finished reading I felt a year roll down my cheek. This must be one of the more resent houses 'cause it's May of 1964. I looked at Darry and his eyes were teary also. He just handed me the paper he had and took mine. I started reading.

Name: Melody Sadie Jackson

Insedent: Foster mom lite her on fire

Date in: July 1 1960

Date out: July 11 1960

Other Coments:

Melody Sadie Jackson only stayed with her foster parents before the mom poured gasoline on her and she went up in flame. She barley made it out alive but did it. Her social worker, Kathrine McKey, thought it was best to have surgery done to get rid of Melodys scars.

Holly shit! What kind of monster do that to a little girl? Like really. I didn't want to read more. No I couldn't read more it was just too horrible and I could tell Darry felt the same way.

"I'm sorry but I just can't read anymore," I said putting the papers back.

"We understand. Would you like to take a look at her police record?" Tara asked.

"No," I said sternly. "I'm not reading anymore file but I will take her and help her as much as I can," I concluded.

"Just do her a favor and don't bring up anything in these files. If bothers her and she don't like it. Just let her come to you and it will be ok," Tony said.

"Ok I think I can manage that," I smiled at them.

"So this is your copy of her file. You can read it if you want but you don't have to it's up too you. Just please don't get rid of it we try to keep them," Tara said.

"Yeah no problem," I replied.

"We just need you to sign some things saying you will take care of, care for, and take responsibility for Melody Sadie Jackson," Tara slid some papers and a pen across to me. I signed all the places tht needed it and slid them back. "Thank you."

"So how long is she here for?" Darry asked this time.

"As long as she wants. With her once she says she wants to come back she will. It's not the case with other kids but she has been through the most out of any child that has gone through foster care," Tara explained.


"Ok so do you know where they went for lunch?" Tony asked.

"They probaly went to Dingos." Darry said and I nodded in agreement.

"We'll take you there say goodbye to Sadie and we'll be one our way," Tara said standing up. We all followed her to there car and headed to Dingos.

*Sadie' POV*

By the time we all got our food Keith, Darry, Tony, and Tara walked in and joined us.

"Sadie were leaving now, do you need anything tell us now," Tara said looking at me.

"No I think I'm good. I'll call you guys every week though," I smiled at them. They stood up and I gave them a hug before they left.

Keith was kinda looking at me weirdly and I didn't like it. It kinda bothered me.

"So Keith telling me bout yourself," I say.

"Well, everyone calls me Two Bit now, but you don't have to. I'm in love with Mickey Mouse he's the best. I like to fight in rumbles and that's it," he said.

"Where'd you get the nickname from?" I had to ask.

"I always have to put in my two sense," he smiled to himself. "So you go by your middle name?" Everyone looked at me with questioning looks.

"Yeah. Melody Sadie Jackson is my full name," I bobbed my head. "Sadie sounds tougher and where I lived the tougher you look the less fights you get in."

"Sounds like you came from a rough place," Steve said.

"Rough place? Dude I was pulling this chick outa fights everyday!" Dally yelled.

"It wasn't that bad Dally!" I insisted.

"Yeah ok. And how many times you got arrested for fights?" Dally raised his eyebrows.

"I lost track," I muttered under my breath but he still heard.


"You know what shut your face. Like how many times have you been arrested for that shit?" I shot back.

"Fine. So what happen in this past foster house?" Dally asked and Keith elbowed him and Darry shot him a glare.

I lift up my shirt to show him the resent scar on my side that web from my hip to the bottom of my bra. Dally just looked at it. Nobody said anything just stared.

"Look guys this isn't my only scars and I'm sure ill have more when I go back. This isn't a permeant arrangement I'm going back," I stated.

"But it could be you might like it here and want to stay. We won't make you go back," Soda insisted.

"Listen you guys, you all say that now but in a couple weeks or even day you could change your mind and I just can't get my hopes up for something that isn't real."

"We'll make you change your mind. I promise," Keith looked determined.

I smiled, "we'll see bout that. So I wanna see a movie who wants I go with me?" I looked at everyone.

"I'll go," pony said.

"Me to," Johnny spoke.

"I already got plans with Soda, sorry," Steve said.

"I got to work in the morning," Darry said.

"I'll go," both Keith and Dally said at the same time.

"No," they both looked at me, "Dally you're not allowed I know enough bout you and you always get me on trouble. Just go hook up with one of your broads." I smiled at him.

"Fine but we're hangin out sometime," with that he got up and left.

"Ok come on guys," I said and we all left to the movies, while Darry, Soda, and Steve went there own ways.

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